400 apps on the repo :)


Advanced Member
May 18, 2009
Rotherham, UK
Well currently there are now 400 apps in the repo with a total number of downloads of 74086 WOW :) im so happy and proud that the software catalog for pandora keeps on growing, it makes me smile.

Of course this will only continue to grow and better and better software will make your pandora's purr ;)

thanks to all the devs for their work in creating/porting apps for the pandora!
Have to give a massive thank you to you milkshake, as well as all the developers working on Pandora software. I may not have my Pandora yet, but I constantly marvel at the dedication and ingenuity of the community. Thank you.
That's awesome. This device is alive and kicking very well and its about to expand once we have more Pandoras in the wild. Thanks for all your efforts on the repo, I enjoy the experience.
nope not currently when using PNDstore as the repo JSON currently does not contain commercial apps :p so probably 399 in PNDstore
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Nice milestone. A humble figure compared to certain app stores for sure, but it doesn't feel like we're lacking software. I guess that's a reflection of the overall quality of releases. Just imagine, if Streak used the repo we'd have 500. ;)

Perhaps we should celebrate the day by donating to our favourite devs (or the repo). Devs, you should add a Paypal button If you haven't already.
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It would be even more if all the missing Apps from the Appstore Archive finaly would find their way to the Repo. You really miss great stuff like "Enigma". :)

And there are also alot of Apps that are not in the repo or Archive, at least I have not found Wind&Water: Puzzle Battles there. ^^ It should be started a "bring them in the repo" action.

...Yeah, if streak ever manages to bring his apps out of his "Beta" status, he also could fill the Repo pretty quickly. :D
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well contact the dev who created them and ask them to upload there app to the repo :) maybe create a topic about this to get things moving faster :) I have contacted the wind&water guys about this but they havent respinded yet.
General comment: It's over 9 thousaaaaaaaaano not quite.

well contact the dev who created them and ask them to upload there app to the repo :) maybe create a topic about this to get things moving faster :) I have contacted the wind&water guys about this but they havent respinded yet.

Yuan Hao seems to be on vacation, from what I understand. I have tested the beta online Pandora native binary for him and it was shaping up nicely... so itching for some news there myself! :S
Nice milestone. A humble figure compared to certain app stores for sure, but it doesn't feel like we're lacking software. I guess that's a reflection of the overall quality of releases. Just imagine, if Streak used the repo we'd have 500. ;)

I'm not sure we want all those "beer-drink-simulation" or "make weird farting noises"-apps that other devices offer ;)
Nice milestone. A humble figure compared to certain app stores for sure, but it doesn't feel like we're lacking software. I guess that's a reflection of the overall quality of releases. Just imagine, if Streak used the repo we'd have 500. ;)

I'm not sure we want all those "beer-drink-simulation" or "make weird farting noises"-apps that other devices offer ;)
Hehe, I almost mentioned fart apps :D

I had a few conversations about app quality vs quantity when HP had their Touchpad fire sale. People were saying "WebOS only has 5,000 apps, that's crap compared to the others." I got myself a Touchpad, and I have to say WebOS does feel a little devoid of software. Yet the Pandora, with maybe 10% of the software, feels really rich with releases.
People were saying "WebOS only has 5,000 apps, that's crap compared to the others." I got myself a Touchpad, and I have to say WebOS does feel a little devoid of software. Yet the Pandora, with maybe 10% of the software, feels really rich with releases.
It's all in how good the software is, I've found. :p

Going back a little ways, I remember people saying the same of Mac OS X back around the middle of the previous decade, versus "how much stuff" was available for Microsoft Windows.

That was when I noticed it wasn't about how much there is, but how much is actually useful to you. :p

Anyway, congratulations on the milestone, milkshake! And congratulations on the massive achievement that is the repo itself, too - it really is a truly useful site. :D
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And number of apps isn't always the best metric. Given the 500,000+ apps in Apple's "appstore", I'd imagine if you actually looked at the download statistics, there'd be a very long tail of applications that are seldom downloaded. Maybe only about 500 core applications that are common?

Though even on the Pandora, there's only about five applications that I use on a regular basis.
I had a few conversations about app quality vs quantity when HP had their Touchpad fire sale. People were saying "WebOS only has 5,000 apps, that's crap compared to the others." I got myself a Touchpad, and I have to say WebOS does feel a little devoid of software. Yet the Pandora, with maybe 10% of the software, feels really rich with releases.
Touchpad has 5000 apps, 4999 of which are variations on Angry Birds :p
How old is the repo now 'shake? I mean, 80,000 downloads is not half bad for what, 6 months of life? Gratz all :)


I personally think the repo is one of the big stepstones to a successfull pandora
Nice milestone. A humble figure compared to certain app stores for sure, but it doesn't feel like we're lacking software. I guess that's a reflection of the overall quality of releases. Just imagine, if Streak used the repo we'd have 500. ;)

I'm not sure we want all those "beer-drink-simulation" or "make weird farting noises"-apps that other devices offer ;)

and why not?

The more the better always... well with a good, not easy to full user review system, that is...
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