A girl killed herself after being bitched for so many years

I so hate it when young people do suicide. :( They maybe would have a great life but just met the wrong people or grew up with the wrong people... And there so many young girls...

All they need is love, I can give hugs for free ad for everyone. ^^"
Another suicide because bullying! Thank god alot of schools here are adopting zero tolerance rules for this. Hopefully the same is taking place in other countries.
easy to say....until you find out what thinned their skin in the first place
Very very sad but serves as an important reminder to ensure we have good relationships with our children so they can let us know if something is bothering them.
While it is tragic that it had to come to something like that for certain people, there are plenty of individuals out there that REALLY need to try growing a "thicker skin".

Who are you to say what should and shouldn't upset people? It's all extremely subjective and contextual. What would be best is if people stopped deliberately trying to hurt others for their own amusement.
Probably both approaches together would be best. Everyone should be kinder to others, while being less upset when they are teased/bullied.

One or the other would cause problems, because there will always be bullies, and there will always be sensitive people. If the problem is worked on from both ends at once, then the chances of them coinciding are reduced.
I never claimed to be any kind of arbiter on "what should and shouldn't upset people". Yes, it would be wonderful if everyone in the world would just join hands and live together in harmony, but seriously, it's NEVER going to happen. Assholes & bullies will continue to be who they are, letting yourself get all eaten up inside because of what one or more of them says only serves to validate their actions.

School-enforced (and other) zero tolerance policies on things like bullying will accomplish vary little, if anything at all(punishments are not always a terribly effective deterrent). It is not possible (and more than a bit embarrassing and detrimental to even try) to shield a child from life.

A MUCH better course of action would be trying to build their self-confidence and teach children things like good coping skills, and healthy ways to deal with ridicule and their (often, puberty induced, hormonally-imbalanced) emotions like embarrassment, fear, anger, resentment, and sadness. If schools really want to be part of the solution, (and I really do think that would be fantastic, as some of a child's most formative years occur during the early-to-mid years of their education) they can take the time and money they are spending on enforcement of zero tolerance policies and create an elective class or a before school or after school program with the aim of teaching these skills. Who knows, in the process of this more teachers may even realize that students are actually human beings and not merely some device to be built on an assembly line.

In the end, though, education starts at home and far too many parents take an near-criminally hands-off approach to raising their children and most if not all of these things I mentioned are the responsibility of the parent(s) to impart. If having done so, I believe, many of these senseless deaths and a fair amount of general adolescent dysfunction would never have to happen.
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...(punishments are not always a terribly effective deterrent)...

Definitely agree there! I remember the miscreants in my school having competitions along the lines of "I've had more detentions than you".

However I do think that reducing bulling is key, because in my opinion, teaching children to suppress their emotions is a very bad idea.