ACTA will probably be rejected by the EU

one more case of packaging good looking laws with bad one in hope the bad one will pass... but all the internet related thing MUST not pass...
Let's hope that the European Commission throws it out. The outcome of votes by the European Parliament are advisory, not binding.
I would be better for the people to reject the mass industry that mass pollute our brains an the place we live on.
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I would be better for the people to reject the mass industry that mass pollute our brains an the place we live on.
So, I take it that you grow all of your own food and rear your own animals for meat, refine your own flour, sugar, and salt, and have cattle of whatever your preferred sort (cows, goats, etc.) for milk, along with your own water-purifying setup, and so on, then? ;)

(Disclaimer: I'm being mildly facetious, here, as the statement was such a blanket one, and these are the most massive industries that I could think of off of the top of my head. :p )
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What about a new mass thread reports ?

There's a difference between buying Lady Gaga, and going to see a band in a bar.
^ There is? I was of the impression that in both cases, people are listening to the music that they want to listen to. :blink:

Also, not another flood, no thanks. ;)
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No, you are forced to buy Lady Gaga, because the Machine let no choice to average consumer.

They own communication network.

A bit the same why France just elected a retard. 90% of media backed him up.
No, you are forced to buy Lady Gaga, because the Machine let no choice to average consumer.

They own communication network.

A bit the same why France just elected a retard. 90% of media backed him up.
I suspect that your definition of "forced" is quite different from mine. ;) I have plenty of choice, including the choice not to buy, and so does everyone else.

If I were forced, I would own her CDs... But I don't. :p
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Let's hope that the European Commission throws it out. The outcome of votes by the European Parliament are advisory, not binding.
AFAIK the Commission proposes legislation, but the Parliament and the Council have to adopt it. So ACTA would be dead if the EP votes against it.