Amiga-style Tracker!

There was a really simple one being worked on, can't remember the name of it though....Anybody remember? it just had drums to start with, but you could replace those in the later version...

As for a keyboard- wouldn't a port of soundtracker need a keyboard as well? (unless the GUI was almost completly rewritten). You can also set keys to certain buttons in castaway if that would help, has anyone actually tried Soundtracker on castaway to see if it is a pain to use? I would, but i'm musicaly incompetent :)

Iv'e found a few usefull sequencers: FM synthesis sequencer for GB no samples i'm afraid :( Althoughthe example WAV's sound pretty cool (so long s you remember i'm a gary numan fan!) Again for the GB, but features samples (and a huge price tag)

And that's all iv'e found so far, and neither one requires a keyboard. Let me know if they are any good.
khephren posted on Feb 27 2004 at 10:14 AM said:
There was a really simple one being worked on, can't remember the name of it though....Anybody remember? it just had drums to start with, but you could replace those in the later version...
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i took a peek at those two Gameboy proggies, and they are somehow pretty sweet!! The FM synthesis is quite impressing, but unfortunately not enough. The gui is also somehow not very appealing. The ULTIMATE solution would be some tracker capable of both FM synthesis (or just some way to take advantage of the built-in midi chip) + handling of samples...

Maybe i should go bug the GPsmack creator :p