Another Angle For The Pandora...

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I would love to see some e-dictionary applications on the Pandora, and if they are of sufficient quality they would warrant a mention in the features list.

I am sure if there is ever a full-on PDA style OS we will see it (or its functions) advertised quite heavily, why not an e-dictionary application in there too?

I would love to see what is available that can be ported, but I would expect any polished app to be a paying proposition, maybe another hand-held that runs linux has one that the author would like to port.
i think when he meant "americans" he meant chad

oh, and i think that porting some sort of an e-dictionary would be awesome because:
  • ti further enhances the pandora features
  • it would be a bragging thing, "haha, does your psp have an e-dictionary with touch input AND keyboard!!!!"
  • it would give me a reaason to use it in school

    so why are we putting this project down? if someone starts now, maybe you could market it as and e-dictionary!!

I win. We can haz padlock now?
PoisonedV said:
Fuck, Gilrad, you still aren't getting it- This essentially evolved from a gaming platform, and I am sure many people would still get it for that reason alone. All the other are popular features- not to mention applications/pda features, you would EXPECT an e-dictionary along with those. The people who are going to be buying the Pandora are people who already know the deal anyway. 'Open source, linux. That means it can port applications easily, I bet it would have an e-dictionary.' Why add more useless babble? Hey, it could have a sketch program too! And spreadsheets! Scientific calculator!
Oh yeah, it plays games too!

You guys don't seem to 'get' what we are saying.

Go ahead and believe what you will, though I'd be happy to argue the points further if you can keep a cool head.

Anyway, in the interest of keeping the thread from falling into disarray, what do you people think are reasonable steps that the hardware and pre-release devs can take, and what are some reasonable after-launch steps that could be taken?

As far as the software is concerned, I don't think that the dictionary quality is much of an issue. In my experience (as I have many friends who are language students from foreign countries), the quality of many edicts are dodgy at best (a friend tells me she is 'falling off' according to her dictionary, when she meant 'nodding off', and 'nodding off' returns no results). Speech recognition and sounds aren't nearly as useful to me (though I am studying Japanese, which is pretty easy on the pronunciation), though a system to recognize handwriting would be useful, especially for Chinese characters. Other than that, it's all about a client used to search and display a dictionary database, of which there are plenty. Oh, and the capability for the OS to accept complex characters would be a must (something similar to SCIM, maybe?).

On the more fantastical side of things, which is purely speculative, and perhaps not worth the energy invested in terms of sales returns, what about multi-language support? It probably wouldn't be too much work, all things considered, to ensure the OS has a proper translation into all the major languages. Especially since this is a community project. Even better, could be custom keypads, with a different layout and with complex characters printed on them (nothing structurally different, no need to make new molds, just relabeling the keys so that it would work better in another language natively).
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Insanemal said:
Tom` said:
Insanemal said:
Touch Dic?
:lol: :D :lol:

Yeah im serious. But its pretty good software. Comparable with some of the high end e-dict with some voice rec and speech abilitys.
(havent played with it so i cant say how good it is.. but the reviews were quite good)

Um... its obvious you never used it. They changed the name before release as they realized the terrible naming mistake they have done.

Anyway. I would love to see a dictionary or a translator on the pandora. It would be pretty sweet. Especially if that Pandora Live! idea ever gets off the ground. Especially between the english spanish and german communities of the gp2x (assuming most of them get the pandora).
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