Any Chance?


Jul 20, 2004
Hey guys,

I was wondering, with the birth of our new f-200 that is now out, and the fact that it has a touchscreen, is it possible to add a on-screen mouse for dosbox. This would definitly improve the functionality of it, as well as the possible number of playable games?

So I ask the compilers of the DOSBOX project, can we add an on-screen mouse that the touchpad can use? It would function like a real mouse, and we can use one of the regular buttons for a mouse click.

What do you guys think?

When I explained to my wife what I had purchased and what the GP2X could do, she instantly asked "So, it could play X-Com?" with a hint of glee in her face.

As a brand new user with 3 days to wait before Fedex drops off my new GP2X, I'd love to see DosBOX with mouse support on the F-200.