O.k. I really have nothing better to do right now than type about how I need to find a free voip service to US land-lines because I am a cheap bastard. Now let me tell you why I am in desperate need of this ever since skype stopped giving free land-line calls (talk about a tease).
One night me and 2 mates were hanging out at my house surfing the web and I decided to show them skype (me being the most computer savvy out of the group). So I go about showing them how I can talk for free and do all this cool crap and I show them conference calling. This is the part where my friends pure genius kicks in. Think about it, totally anonymous conference calls with whoever you want. It's comic genius just waiting to happen. The idea is to connect 2 people together so both of them think they are being called by the other person and you can choose to either listen to them fight about it or interject when you feel the time is right. In no time flat you'll have every one in your house crowded around the computer laughing and everyone you know in the conference call set to mute so they can listen in on the fun.
So the first place we hit up is a pretty obvious one, Pizza Hut vs Dominoes, the clash of the titans. We are virgins at this advanced crank calling so we connect the two places together and listen in silence.
D"Hello dominoes pizza how may we help you"
P"No this is pizza hut?"
D"Uh this is dominoes!"
P"Look dude you called us so..."
D"OK sir whatever you say, would you like to order some pizza or not?"
P"Why the hell would I wanna order pizza I am supposed to be freaking selling pizzas."
D"Screw you, I don't get paid for this crap" (Disconnects)
P"Freaking weirdo" (Disconnects)
At this point me and my friends realize the awesome power we now have at our disposal. So our next idea is to screw with the crappy American game stores who think that trade in value on a Gamecube game is 2 dollars. And this time we decide to participate ourselves. Game Stop vs EB Games (Yes i know they are owned by the same people but EB is still slightly better)
b.t.w. M is for me
G"Game stop your #1 source for electronic entertainment Chad speaking how may I help you."
E"I think your confused this is an EB games???"
M"Hello boys I'm calling from corporate headquarters and I'm just making this call to check in on a few of the stores and ask a few questions"
G"(Lot's of background noise) O.k.???"
M"Okay for starters hows your day going?"
G"Whats going on here"
M"Chad I ask the question and you give me the answers is that understood?"
Heres where the greatness kicks in we decided to see which store actually knew more about video games by asking question from "The Ultimate Game Quiz".
M"Alright first question. What kind of animal is sonic"
E"You mean the one from the game?"
M"Well, what do you think, after all you work at EB games"
G"Ain't he a hedgehog?"
M"First point goes to Chad, your falling behind EB Employee. Okay who is Mario's brother?"
M"CORRECT! I can see someone is trying for a raise"
(I am honestly trying so hard not to laugh at this point)
M"Alright this could be your chance for the lead Chad"
G"(Lots of other voices in the back helping Chad) I'm ready."
M"Okay here comes a tough one. In the game Ocarina of time, who is the hero?"
G"(Even more employees shouting answers in the background) Zelda! It's Zelda."
M"Ooooh sorry Chad. Wrong answer. I hope I don't have to tell your manager about this."
G"But I'm the manager of this location"
M"Your missing the point Chad. Now, EB employee I know your still on the line, do you wanna give this one a shot?"
E"Its freaking link"
M"Whoa! Feisty but you got it. So who knows how many ghosts are in Pac-Man?"
E"This is a trick there are no ghosts in Pac-Man, just those blue guys"
M"Okay we're gonna skip this one but I'm taking a point from both of you for being incompetent."
M"Next question, what does BFG stand for?"
G"(Consulting his Board of stupid co-workers) Big fat gun."
M"Not quite the answer I'm looking for."
E"Big *whisper*'fucking'*whisper* gun"
M"HOLY SHIT thats right EB employee!"
G"(startled) oh"
E"(realizing how much time has gone by) Umm I have like 4 customers waiting in line I have to go" (Disconnects)
G"(Celebrating with co-workers) Does this mean I won)
M"Actually your fired Chad."
G"(Actually disappointed about not winning) OMG!"
M"Naa I'm just fucking with you. Listen though, my boss is yelling at me so I gotta go, CYA" (Disconnect)
After that we continued on into the night with more hilarious crank calls hitting up various locations and relatives like competing donut stores and relative who lived in the same house who both owned cell phones and other obvious opportunities for hilarity.
Either way to finish up the story, the night ends and everyones ribs hurt from laughing. Skip forward a couple weeks later and I wanna show this cool skype capability off to my other friends, but NO the bastards at skype stopped giving out free calls to landlines. Now I ask you guys if you know of any good free services. I have found a couple of weirdo German services but they only allow you a couple of calls and then they shut it off.
Thanks, whisk!
One night me and 2 mates were hanging out at my house surfing the web and I decided to show them skype (me being the most computer savvy out of the group). So I go about showing them how I can talk for free and do all this cool crap and I show them conference calling. This is the part where my friends pure genius kicks in. Think about it, totally anonymous conference calls with whoever you want. It's comic genius just waiting to happen. The idea is to connect 2 people together so both of them think they are being called by the other person and you can choose to either listen to them fight about it or interject when you feel the time is right. In no time flat you'll have every one in your house crowded around the computer laughing and everyone you know in the conference call set to mute so they can listen in on the fun.
So the first place we hit up is a pretty obvious one, Pizza Hut vs Dominoes, the clash of the titans. We are virgins at this advanced crank calling so we connect the two places together and listen in silence.
D"Hello dominoes pizza how may we help you"
P"No this is pizza hut?"
D"Uh this is dominoes!"
P"Look dude you called us so..."
D"OK sir whatever you say, would you like to order some pizza or not?"
P"Why the hell would I wanna order pizza I am supposed to be freaking selling pizzas."
D"Screw you, I don't get paid for this crap" (Disconnects)
P"Freaking weirdo" (Disconnects)
At this point me and my friends realize the awesome power we now have at our disposal. So our next idea is to screw with the crappy American game stores who think that trade in value on a Gamecube game is 2 dollars. And this time we decide to participate ourselves. Game Stop vs EB Games (Yes i know they are owned by the same people but EB is still slightly better)
b.t.w. M is for me
G"Game stop your #1 source for electronic entertainment Chad speaking how may I help you."
E"I think your confused this is an EB games???"
M"Hello boys I'm calling from corporate headquarters and I'm just making this call to check in on a few of the stores and ask a few questions"
G"(Lot's of background noise) O.k.???"
M"Okay for starters hows your day going?"
G"Whats going on here"
M"Chad I ask the question and you give me the answers is that understood?"
Heres where the greatness kicks in we decided to see which store actually knew more about video games by asking question from "The Ultimate Game Quiz".
M"Alright first question. What kind of animal is sonic"
E"You mean the one from the game?"
M"Well, what do you think, after all you work at EB games"
G"Ain't he a hedgehog?"
M"First point goes to Chad, your falling behind EB Employee. Okay who is Mario's brother?"
M"CORRECT! I can see someone is trying for a raise"
(I am honestly trying so hard not to laugh at this point)
M"Alright this could be your chance for the lead Chad"
G"(Lots of other voices in the back helping Chad) I'm ready."
M"Okay here comes a tough one. In the game Ocarina of time, who is the hero?"
G"(Even more employees shouting answers in the background) Zelda! It's Zelda."
M"Ooooh sorry Chad. Wrong answer. I hope I don't have to tell your manager about this."
G"But I'm the manager of this location"
M"Your missing the point Chad. Now, EB employee I know your still on the line, do you wanna give this one a shot?"
E"Its freaking link"
M"Whoa! Feisty but you got it. So who knows how many ghosts are in Pac-Man?"
E"This is a trick there are no ghosts in Pac-Man, just those blue guys"
M"Okay we're gonna skip this one but I'm taking a point from both of you for being incompetent."
M"Next question, what does BFG stand for?"
G"(Consulting his Board of stupid co-workers) Big fat gun."
M"Not quite the answer I'm looking for."
E"Big *whisper*'fucking'*whisper* gun"
M"HOLY SHIT thats right EB employee!"
G"(startled) oh"
E"(realizing how much time has gone by) Umm I have like 4 customers waiting in line I have to go" (Disconnects)
G"(Celebrating with co-workers) Does this mean I won)
M"Actually your fired Chad."
G"(Actually disappointed about not winning) OMG!"
M"Naa I'm just fucking with you. Listen though, my boss is yelling at me so I gotta go, CYA" (Disconnect)
After that we continued on into the night with more hilarious crank calls hitting up various locations and relatives like competing donut stores and relative who lived in the same house who both owned cell phones and other obvious opportunities for hilarity.
Either way to finish up the story, the night ends and everyones ribs hurt from laughing. Skip forward a couple weeks later and I wanna show this cool skype capability off to my other friends, but NO the bastards at skype stopped giving out free calls to landlines. Now I ask you guys if you know of any good free services. I have found a couple of weirdo German services but they only allow you a couple of calls and then they shut it off.
Thanks, whisk!