Apple ][

Source? Since most of our emus are ports, if that's what you want, any coder that wants to work on one will need source code. Although I have to say, a specifically GP32 emu would be nice :)
here is the reason for an Old Apple emulator..........OREGON TRAIL. that was the coolest game ever when i was 6 years old in 1985
YES! Oregon Trail ruled, as did Hardball. I know they made Hardball for other systems but i dont think it was quite the same. Actually i have no real basis for that assumption so if anyone knows of an exact port of Hardball lets hear about it.
The first version of Wasteland (which doesn't run in Frodo on GP32- arrgghhhh)?

OK - so not produced by Apple, but it did run on the ][
why...what have apple ever done for us?
PowerMacs & OSX <_<
Yes, they did give us Powermacs.. Wonderful Powermacs

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Look, i started this topic and i will shut it down if you guys dont start talking about the apple ][ not the power mac not c64, nothing but the ][ dammit. oh you guys make me so mad.
So anyway why dont we try to get the c64 emu running better :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry dude but its a fact of this board that topics drift off to other things.

Besides you can't close down the post unless your a admin :p

c64 anyone :D :D :D
