Blu Screen Replacing?


Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2005
so.. i want to replace my screen because it's like a mirror when you look at it in the sun/daylight outside (or inside with lights on)

is this easy to do? i really 'love' my gp32 :unsure: but it would be 351321354354 x nicer if it would be playable in a place with lights..

what should be the solution? replacing the lcd with another one probably.. or is it easier/cheaper to just buy a new gp32?

no a glass screen replacement wont help you.

its because of the blu screen. They are very bad in bright areas but the best if its dark.
the best solution would really be to buy a nlu or flu unit.
Flu is good in daylight but and has a front light... but the colors are not as good as with the blu with the light on.
the nlu is only playable if you have enough light. (normal daylight is enough :p )
damn i knew it :(
a new gp32 is just too expensive, last year in summer i paid 300 euros ( (yeah living in belgium is expensive ;) )
well you can play with you blu :)
i have a nlu but its unplayable in the dark :p i would be glad to have a blu xD