Bor Mods


Zombie club life member
Oct 8, 2006
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did you no if you just change the pak file name in the bor mods for the gpx32 to bor.pak for the gp2x , that they will all work . :D
Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 04:07 PM said:
Epicenter posted on Oct 8 2006 at 07:11 PM said:
Does anyone speak this language? It's remarkably similar to English.
Seriously, yes, they should work since it's the same base program just ported.

Shikaku posted on Oct 8 2006 at 07:51 PM said:

assholes's forums+posts of that bad spelling/dribble=instant permaban. Also costs $10 to register.

Epicenter was actually being nice, because he answered his question. Not me though, I won't be nice to people who cannot post intelligently. This does not mean I will be mean to foreign people who can't speak English, however, because there is an obvious difference between ignorance and inability.
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thelamer posted on Oct 8 2006 at 08:59 PM said:
I get it and that is a good little piece of advice.

Got a site to download the paks from ??,0,0,0,11 there all gpx32.....just download the zipfile like crisiss evil extract files and change the pak name to bor.pak , works for them all.... enjoy :D
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Shikaku posted on Oct 8 2006 at 08:10 PM said:'s forums+posts of that bad spelling/dribble=instant permaban. Also costs $10 to register.

Epicenter was actually being nice, because he answered his question. Not me though, I won't be nice to people who cannot post intelligently. This does not mean I will be mean to foreign people who can't speak English, however, because there is an obvious difference between ignorance and inability.

Like I give a flying about Somethingawful or the dumb ass ways of charging to register for a forum. Why not just answer the question without giving someone shit for a change hmm?
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Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 06:11 PM said:
Like I give a flying about Somethingawful or the dumb ass ways of charging to register for a forum. Why not just answer the question without giving someone shit for a change hmm?

[sarcasm]Alright. No.[/sarcasm]

Are you new to the internets...?

There's something called "Netiquette."

Here's the first and most important rule:

"Think before you post"
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Shikaku posted on Oct 8 2006 at 10:18 PM said:
Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 06:11 PM said:
Like I give a flying about Somethingawful or the dumb ass ways of charging to register for a forum. Why not just answer the question without giving someone shit for a change hmm?

[sarcasm]Alright. No.[/sarcasm]

Are you new to the internets...?

There's something called "Netiquette."

Here's the first and most important rule:

"Think before you post"

I'm sorry are you new to the net. What kind of person expects others on a message board IRC or any form of internet communication to follow something called "Netiquette"? I mean for the love of Christ, you can barely carry on an intelligible conversation with someone verbally let alone when its written out. I think you need to pull your head out of your ass and realize most people cant type worth a shit.
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Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 08:01 PM said:
I'm sorry are you new to the net.

Is that a rhetorical question? If it isn't, no I am not.

Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 08:01 PM said:
What kind of person expects others on a message board IRC or any form of internet communication to follow something called "Netiquette"?

The entire internet expects netiquette, like how you expect etiquette (word look familiar?) while walking around, living your life, and receiving services: you expect people to be nice and follow a specific set of rules in which society as a whole requires to keep order. On the internet, there are rules of common sense and courtesy just like in society, except different because of the properties of the internet. Specifically, in the GP2X forums, even if you cannot type well in English, at least give a post as much thought as possible, especially when asking and answering a question. You also failed to realize that the topic creator did not even ask a question, he made a statement, and it was written out with terrible grammar which left me, and clearly the lot of posters in this topic, confused as to what he even meant.

Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 08:01 PM said:
I mean for the love of Christ, you can barely carry on an intelligible conversation with someone verbally let alone when its written out.

I fail to comprehend how you talk to people then. Do they/you speak in clear words, or do they/you mumble and speak in disjointed words and sentences...?

Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 08:01 PM said:
I think you need to pull your head out of your ass and realize most people cant type worth a shit.

I go back to the rule I posted before: "Think before you post." People CAN type, otherwise how do you type information on the internet? It's just it takes longer periods of time, specifically to "think," and then transfer those thoughts to ideas. If you fail the first step, your ideas come out muddled. It's called "writing," which is the transfer of thoughts and ideas into words and sentences to a legible medium. You reread what you have written to make sure that your statements are clear. Failure to do so can create ambiguity/misunderstanding, and in extreme cases posts like the first post in this topic.

[sarcasm]I believe you have failed in your attempt in the step "Think before you post", please try again. Also, my head cannot be put into my ass unless I was decapitated and dead[/sarcasm]<--Those little things mean I am being sarcastic and inane with my comments, for clarification
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Honestly I would love to pick apart your arguments to show that once again you fail at life. However, this is not the time nor the place to do such a thing. It is apparent that even though you have within you the ability and knowledge to be helpful, you resort to pure trollism (yeah I made it up) and choose to insult others and get involved in petty arguments.

Back On Topic: yeah OpenBoR is really nice runs pretty much any BoR pack very well. Even though there has been some nice updates on MAME lately, Id still rather get my Final Fight on BoR then MAME.
*Warning: purposeful but example flamebait ahead, I do not mean the words I typed*

Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 09:16 PM said:
I'm too lazy to argue because I know I am better than you

*end flamebait*

You don't know what trolling is. That was trolling. My reply was a clarification of why netiquette is necessary...

OK I'm done... *steps out too, will not reply in this topic again*
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Lupin posted on Oct 8 2006 at 04:11 PM said:
Shikaku posted on Oct 8 2006 at 08:10 PM said:'s forums+posts of that bad spelling/dribble=instant permaban. Also costs $10 to register.

Epicenter was actually being nice, because he answered his question. Not me though, I won't be nice to people who cannot post intelligently. This does not mean I will be mean to foreign people who can't speak English, however, because there is an obvious difference between ignorance and inability.

Like I give a flying about Somethingawful or the dumb ass ways of charging to register for a forum. Why not just answer the question without giving someone shit for a change hmm?

You do know the reason SA is free of fucking idiots and people who type garbage and don't look before they hit Submit, is because they charge money to register, right? They started the practice because of a spammer who posted pictures of magic 8-balls and triangles all day, and the only way to stop him from posting (with proxies and new accounts and other horseshit) was to make him pay MONEY to post garbage. After they started, it stopped, and the quality of members dramatically increased.

Shikaku is exactly right, after posting on SA, you feel like you've been spoiled when you post anywhere else, and leave that protective bubble of maturity and intelligent behavior...

You shouldn't need to observe any rules of 'netiquette' but you should have enough respect in yourself to want to be viewed better than you come across when you make a post like 'd0 yew haevs n-e magadriev rums two sent two m3????/' It's not that hard to type out a coherent message like 'Do you have any MegaDrive ROMs that you could please send to me.' Hypothetical example since ROM Requests aren't allowed anyway.
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My 2 cents.

I believe as does Shikaku that forthought should be given before posting. I myself detest 7337 speak whenever I encounter it. My percepton of the person posting is diminished to the level of "what a babbling idiot!...get lost". I myself wish to be well regarded by my peers here, and try as much as possible to be concise and thoughtful in my replies to posts.

That said, I also agree with Lupin that sarcastic posting to belittle people just trying to help out the rest of us with a good snippet of advice happens far too much here. It's deplorable, and should not be condoned. And Shikaku, while usually very good with helping out others, has been guilty of doing this on more than one occasion that Ive seen.

Knee jerk sarcastic posting is the first sign of breaking Shikaku's own rule#1. Sorry Shikaku, but its true.

Looking at the poor guys post, his only transgression was abbreviating know to no. This is hardly worthy of getting his head chopped off by post Nazis for abbeviating a single word in a post.

This treatment makes others more reticent to post or even ask intelligible questions, and diminishes us as a community.