Buying from JoyGP vs. Buying Retail Package


May 1, 2003
Hi, I recently ordered a GP32 from but it hasn't come in yet (they don't restock until tomorrow, May 2). I also bought a copy of Her Knights, but that's besides the point. What I wanted to know is what the advantages of buying from JoyGP vs. buying the SmartMedia version of the game. This is what I think I know so far:

1. Downloadable (no S&H).
2. On the average 2X cheaper than the SM version.
3. Can only be played on your GP32 (no letting your friends borrow).
4. You have 5 days to download and then you can't download it anymore, if you lose the file after 5 days then it's irrecoverable.

Retail Package:
1. You pay S&H for a damn nice box and instruction manual.
2. Usually around $30 + S&H.
3. Can be played on other GP32's (give them the SM card).

Can someone tell me if this is correct? I was planning to buy Mill and the movie player (forgot the name of it) when I get my GP32 and I wanted to run this past you guys first just in case I missed something. Thanks.
i was wondering if it was possible to copy those smc cards with games on it? and i heard some hackers found the way of makind the game you download playable on every gp? u guys got any infos on those subjects?
You will not find any support on these forums for hacking and cracking GP32 commercial games. While the GP32 might well be doomed anyway, given the small price per game on JoyGP, support both the hardware and the software developers who suppport you.

I realize it is a fine line considering the fact that most of us are running "illegal" roms by emulating other platforms using our GP32, but these systems are no longer supported. You will find 99% of the community agrees with this, although some are even more hardcore about the legality of emulation/roms.
Yeah, the one company we should try to respect is Game Park, otherwise they could die and we'd have no future GP versions. :( That would suck. I'm hoping for a GP64 someday. :)

I don't mind buying GP32 games at all - they're inexpensive and you can easily patch them with upgrades - very cool. And I'd imagine buying them helps Game Park stay alive, so that's the main reason. This isn't a big rich company like Nintendo, so as GP32 users and fans we must support them with our money when we can.

I don't even want to know how to crack a GP32 game. Not at all.