Can The Pandora Run Any Other Operating System?

NOT WINDOWS or MAC OSX if that's what you're hinting at! (Maybe... Maybe... Windows CE)
Probably we'll also have Android.
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geniusboy said:
I was wondering if I could something else as the OS. Is that possible?
Yeah, Android, M-something (What does the N900 run?), and FreeBSD and that sort of crap will work, but there's precious little reason to.
Windows, OS X, iPhone OS will NOT work.

There's also really no reason to.

WINE doesn't work either.
If you have any clever ideas for how Windows programs could run at reasonable speed, they're wrong.
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OS X should run
... very slowly

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b1llygo4t said:
it will come with a 5 inch floppy copy of windows 8
please don't insult our intelligence.
everyone knows that this is the 21st century and Windows 8 comes on .75 inch floppies now Xb
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