Hi there,
I've been trying to get a command prompt via the serial link but I'm completely failing at it. Below is what I have so far. From there, could someone help me getting a bash prompt, please?
equipment: F200 + craddle + seral cable
PC-side: gentoo linux + minicom
After I start minicom, set it up and boot the GP2X, as specified here: http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Serial_cable#Linux, I get the output below:
U-Boot 1.0.0 (Sep 10 2007 - 21:07:23)
U-Boot code: 03E00000 -> 03E49FA4 BSS: -> 03E82B70
IRQ Stack: 03ea3b6c
FIQ Stack: 03ea4b6c
DRAM Configuration:
Bank #0: 00100000 63 MB
Flash: 0 kB
robing at 0x9c000000
Flash chip found:
Manufacturer ID: 0xEC, Chip ID: 0x76 (Samsung K9F1208 64Mb)
1 flash chips found. Total nand_chip size: 64 MB
Get Environment from NAND offset 0x70000 ...
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
NAND read: device 0 offset 0x1a0000, size 0x40000 ... 262144 bytes read: OK
NAND read: device 0 offset 0x80000, size 0xb0000 ... 720896 bytes read: OK
### main_loop: bootcmd="bootm"
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
## Booting image at 01000000 ...
Image Name: GP2X Linux Kernel
Created: 2007-10-08 9:22:48 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 673304 Bytes = 657.5 kB
Load Address: 00008000
Entry Point: 00008000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
MMC/SD Card Detected
wait SD CARD 2.0
Partition check:
mmcsda: p1
Register SD: 7790MsB
INIT: version 2.84 booting
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3268:0
Started device management daemon v1.3.25 for /dev
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3844:0
MSDOS FS: IO charset utf8
GMenu2X starting: If you read this message in the logs, check http://gmenu2x.sourceforge.net/page/Troubleshooting for a solution
SDL_GP2X: CreateDevice
SDL_GP2X: VideoInit
SDL_GP2X: Physical screen = 320x240 (ilace = 0)
SDL_GP2X: Looking for a mouse
SDL_GP2X: No mice found
SDL_GP2X: Creating cursor 16x16
SDL_GP2X: Allocated WMcursor @ 0x2936d0 (32)
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager allocating 256 bytes
SDL_GP2X: ListModes
SDL_GP2X: Setting video mode 320x240 16 bpp, flags=0
SDL_GP2X: FreeHWSurfaces
SDL_GP2X: InitHWSurfaces 0x40036800, 5085184
SDL_GP2X: Screen bucket 0x291788
SDL_GP2X: First free bucket 0x292338 (size = 5085184)
SDL_GP2X: Creating cursor 16x16
SDL_GP2X: Allocated WMcursor @ 0x2936e8 (32)
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager allocating 256 bytes
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager adding new free bucket of 5084928 bytes @ 0x293700
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager allocated 256 bytes at 0x40036800
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: icons/capricegp2x.png
iconPath: icons/gnuboy2x.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: icons/snes.png
iconPath: icons/duke3d.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
And then, nothing :/. The F200 shows its normal screen, nothing for me to interract with. I tried pressing Ctrl+C in minicom but that didn't work. Could someone point me towards the next step?
Also, based on the output in minicom, I see several warnings and error:
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
INIT: version 2.84 booting
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3268:0
Started device management daemon v1.3.25 for /dev
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3844:0
MSDOS FS: IO charset utf8
Is that something I should be worried about? (everything seems to work when I use the F200).
PS: I have actually never logged into a linux box before through serial link so this may be a very stupid question :/.
Thanks in advance!
I've been trying to get a command prompt via the serial link but I'm completely failing at it. Below is what I have so far. From there, could someone help me getting a bash prompt, please?
equipment: F200 + craddle + seral cable
PC-side: gentoo linux + minicom
After I start minicom, set it up and boot the GP2X, as specified here: http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Serial_cable#Linux, I get the output below:
U-Boot 1.0.0 (Sep 10 2007 - 21:07:23)
U-Boot code: 03E00000 -> 03E49FA4 BSS: -> 03E82B70
IRQ Stack: 03ea3b6c
FIQ Stack: 03ea4b6c
DRAM Configuration:
Bank #0: 00100000 63 MB
Flash: 0 kB
Flash chip found:
Manufacturer ID: 0xEC, Chip ID: 0x76 (Samsung K9F1208 64Mb)
1 flash chips found. Total nand_chip size: 64 MB
Get Environment from NAND offset 0x70000 ...
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
NAND read: device 0 offset 0x1a0000, size 0x40000 ... 262144 bytes read: OK
NAND read: device 0 offset 0x80000, size 0xb0000 ... 720896 bytes read: OK
### main_loop: bootcmd="bootm"
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
## Booting image at 01000000 ...
Image Name: GP2X Linux Kernel
Created: 2007-10-08 9:22:48 UTC
Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 673304 Bytes = 657.5 kB
Load Address: 00008000
Entry Point: 00008000
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
MMC/SD Card Detected
wait SD CARD 2.0
Partition check:
mmcsda: p1
Register SD: 7790MsB
INIT: version 2.84 booting
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3268:0
Started device management daemon v1.3.25 for /dev
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3844:0
MSDOS FS: IO charset utf8
GMenu2X starting: If you read this message in the logs, check http://gmenu2x.sourceforge.net/page/Troubleshooting for a solution
SDL_GP2X: CreateDevice
SDL_GP2X: VideoInit
SDL_GP2X: Physical screen = 320x240 (ilace = 0)
SDL_GP2X: Looking for a mouse
SDL_GP2X: No mice found
SDL_GP2X: Creating cursor 16x16
SDL_GP2X: Allocated WMcursor @ 0x2936d0 (32)
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager allocating 256 bytes
SDL_GP2X: ListModes
SDL_GP2X: Setting video mode 320x240 16 bpp, flags=0
SDL_GP2X: FreeHWSurfaces
SDL_GP2X: InitHWSurfaces 0x40036800, 5085184
SDL_GP2X: Screen bucket 0x291788
SDL_GP2X: First free bucket 0x292338 (size = 5085184)
SDL_GP2X: Creating cursor 16x16
SDL_GP2X: Allocated WMcursor @ 0x2936e8 (32)
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager allocating 256 bytes
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager adding new free bucket of 5084928 bytes @ 0x293700
SDL_GP2X: SurfaceManager allocated 256 bytes at 0x40036800
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: icons/capricegp2x.png
iconPath: icons/gnuboy2x.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: icons/snes.png
iconPath: icons/duke3d.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
iconPath: skins/default/icons/generic.png
And then, nothing :/. The F200 shows its normal screen, nothing for me to interract with. I tried pressing Ctrl+C in minicom but that didn't work. Could someone point me towards the next step?
Also, based on the output in minicom, I see several warnings and error:
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
INIT: version 2.84 booting
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3268:0
Started device management daemon v1.3.25 for /dev
<7>**>>ecc error unfixed on chunk 3844:0
MSDOS FS: IO charset utf8
Is that something I should be worried about? (everything seems to work when I use the F200).
PS: I have actually never logged into a linux box before through serial link so this may be a very stupid question :/.
Thanks in advance!