Release CrypPic - a tool to encrypt your pictures


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
Since we are in an age where cryptography matters more and more, here's a little tool to bring a little more security when you transfer pictures that you don't want people to see...

You can load an image, modify it with simple edition tools if you want, insert a secret hidden message with stenography, and then you can crypt it with a password : see below


And it will turn into a mash of pixels that nobody can really make sense of it unless they know the password associated to it. (using the "unlock" button).


Let me know what you think !

BTW, you need JAVA for this, and the menu items will be displayed in your local language (for me this is Japanese).
Nice feature. Only Oracle Java.

Encrypting with password "x", then decrypting with "c" will give you a few unencrypted scanlines.

Opening a file is slow though, 15 seconds to generate the thumbnail of a big photo. (java at 99% CPU)

And the keyboard does not work, i.e., after typing a password the enter key does nothing, you need to press the OK button with the mouse.

You can steno over a steno'd pic, without warning that you are overwriting your old steno.

A steno in an encrypted pic is not viewable. good (you need to decrypt first).

You can also decrypt a normal picture, then to really decrypt it, use encrypt... funny.

The other features of the program are that it can swap its skin and that the configuration has a network proxy... which is weird because I do not see any network functions.... maybe it sends data to someone?
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