Do You Remember??

  • Thread starter sebastian_insua
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Do you remember the above....

Anyone else want to post anything else that they remember form when they were young?? :D


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the best cartoons ever in this order
1)Captain bucky O' hare (How I loved ye)
2) thundercats (Quality)
3) he-man (taught me all the morals I know)
4)transformers (excellence)
divadsci posted on May 6 2004 at 05:25 PM said:
3) he-man (taught me all the morals I know)
Certaintly don't hope you were supposed to learn morality from Masters of the Universe.... mostly because I thought Skeletor was the coolest :D (does that make me evil?). Think Braveheart was bigger on morality.

Also I was very much into G.I. Joe and Transformers.

Wasn't into Thundercats at all, but I knew what it was since one of my friends was into the cartoons.
Didn't remember Bucky O'hare at first, but a quick Google search refreshed my memory.

uhh.... How about MASK? As I recall it was kind of education (the story taking place all sorts of places).
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Ringo posted on May 6 2004 at 06:15 PM said:
uhh.... How about MASK? As I recall it was kind of education (the story taking place all sorts of places).
i have a tape of MASK, it was brilliant, i alwys wanted a robot that could turn into a scooter thingy.
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finty101 posted on May 6 2004 at 10:08 AM said:
Dragon Ball Z is no doubt the best EVER!
and that my friends, is the reason why crack is illegal. :D
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Speaking of thunder, who remembers Thundarr the Barbarian (With his Wookie-like sidekick, Oookla the Mock)?
I don't get that channel. My cable provider sucks :(

Do they play Battle of the Planets? I rememeber a few years ago, they re-released them on the Cartoon Network, but it sucked! They changed the name to "G-force" and the little kid, Kee-op, no longer had the hilarious speech impediment (goddamn PC censorship!) ... the voiceovers were all redone.