Edge Magazine's 100 Best Games To Play Today

Nice response Craig!

MGS: Twin Snakes is shit!

Metal Gear Solid - PSX IS THE GAME!
Oh, come on. Mario 64 was fantastic. It STILL IS! It's not that many years back when I replayed it to 120 stars. Trying to collect 100 coins on Rainbow Ride, with a saldo of 98 and having exhausted all the coin supplies, I see a couple of shinies in the distance. I will just have to jump into this cannon and shoot myself over onto that flagpole. Steady... Aim... and see Mario glide over and miss the pole by an inch to his death. Good times.

I'm also happy to see Chrono Trigger beat FF6, justice well served. :lol:
craigix said:
What an awful list. Edge is so far up its own arse these days it's almost an inverse image of its former self.
I totally agree. This is a list of "games people talk about"

Way to put Left 4 Dead, TF2, GTAIV, plus a bunch of the like over Deus Ex, Secret of Monkey Island o.O
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Derek said:
Willrandship said:
Mario 64 was a complete disappointment to me, as my first two n64 games were DK and OoT! DK is still awesome, even though it was my first game!

Are the jungle green consoles worth more than the black ones? I have one with expansion pack, but it's missing the expansion slot cap and EXT cover!
Wow you didn't get an N64 till DK (Donkey Kong 64?) came out? Of course you would be disappointed. That'd be like me saying I was disappointed (just an example)with Goldeneye 64 because my first games were Perfect Dark and OoT.

Most people that played Perfect Dark liked it more than Goldeneye. It doesn't mean that when Goldeneye came out that it wasn't one of the best FPS cause of that. Mario 64 was one of the launch titles for the N64. Donkey Kong 64 was released a whole 3 years after Super Mario 64.
i think it's one of the worst fpses

quake, rott, strife, dark forces, duke3d, doom, doom2, hexen was better than golden eye.
maybe even heretic and the wolfenstein games
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I really do think Mario 64 is the best game ever made though. In terms of pretty much... everything it hasn't been challenged - not even by Nintendo I reckon.

Just my opinion though so don't flame me. The rest of the list is just weird too.
Indeed. It's a very inconsistent list. There are things on there where you go "ok, yeah, it may not be the best game anymore, but because it was one of the first in that class (ie, Mario64), it gets a few extra points."
And then there are others where they skip the first one and list the sequel, even when they are effectively the same game.
Lunatic said:
Also, Ninja Gaiden 2 will run on the Pandora as well.
Are they referring to the Nintendo game, or the Xbox360/PS3 game? They should of clarified.
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Derek said:
Are they referring to the Nintendo game, or the Xbox360/PS3 game? They should of clarified.

I would be very surprised if they really meant the NES game when they haven't listed a single other NES game. Ninja Gaiden II for NES isn't exactly typical of top 10 lists.
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Zatoichi said:
The industry picks were:

Steve Jarret - Gears of War
Yoshinori Kitase - Alone in the Dark (also mentions Hearts of Iron)
Sukhbir Sidhu - Burnout 3: Takedown (A big influence on Peggle apparently...)

These three people do not deserve to be in the games industry. None of these games should be in any top 100 list. They're all enjoyable, but by no means remarkable.

*waits for a GOW fanboy to come and "correct" me*
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Exophase said:
Derek said:
Are they referring to the Nintendo game, or the Xbox360/PS3 game? They should of clarified.

I would be very surprised if they really meant the NES game when they haven't listed a single other NES game. Ninja Gaiden II for NES isn't exactly typical of top 10 lists.

Checked the article, and it's specifically the 360 version. Prefer the original Nes ones myself, never could get the hang of the camera on the new ones and couldn't get used to being attacked by off screen enemies.
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Zatoichi said:
The industry picks were:

Steve Jarret - Gears of War
I cannot agree with that. Gears of War really isn't as great as some people make it out to be. Sure, it's probably a good game, I just don't see why it's anything special.
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craigix said:
What an awful list. Edge is so far up its own arse these days it's almost an inverse image of its former self.

As long as I can play GT & Colin McRae 2 I'll be pleased
Oooh. Impossible Mission, flip&flop, & lemmings ;)

Then I'll 'discover' games from systems other than C64, Amiga & general driving genre :lol:
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Nova said:
Zatoichi said:
The industry picks were:

Steve Jarret - Gears of War
Yoshinori Kitase - Alone in the Dark (also mentions Hearts of Iron)
Sukhbir Sidhu - Burnout 3: Takedown (A big influence on Peggle apparently...)

These three people do not deserve to be in the games industry. None of these games should be in any top 100 list. They're all enjoyable, but by no means remarkable.

*waits for a GOW fanboy to come and "correct" me*
i can understand that alone in the dark is being mentioned by someone in the industry; it started the whole horror genre, no?
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Nova said:
Zatoichi said:
The industry picks were:

Steve Jarret - Gears of War
Yoshinori Kitase - Alone in the Dark (also mentions Hearts of Iron)
Sukhbir Sidhu - Burnout 3: Takedown (A big influence on Peggle apparently...)

These three people do not deserve to be in the games industry. None of these games should be in any top 100 list. They're all enjoyable, but by no means remarkable.

*waits for a GOW fanboy to come and "correct" me*

No dissing Yoshinori Kitase you scoundrel. but yes, GeOW isn't very good, reasonable, but too repetitive to be considered a good game.

Also, Half Life 2 shouldn't be anywhere near this list, let alone in 3rd place. It's the worst game I've ever, ever played, and I've played some turkeys in my time.
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grasshoppir said:
i can understand that alone in the dark is being mentioned by someone in the industry; it started the whole horror genre, no?
Exactly, and it was quite scary back then.
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Nova said:
*waits for a GOW fanboy to come and "correct" me*
Every time I play through that game or it's sequel I get more and more pissed as I go along. Usually by the end of the game I want to break my disc and throw it at my neighbor's window while he sleeps. It's not just how the game plays that pisses me off either. Most of the time it's the fact that whoever wrote the dialogue/story for the game needs to find a new profession, and that whoever designed the characters should be thrown into a vat of hot urine. Why do they have boomboxes attached to their chests? Not only does this seem like a waste of everyone's money, but none of them even have flashlights. In the game they even justify this by saying something like "I would rather have more ammo than have a flashlight", which is dumb because flashlights cost close to no money and they have tons of useless shit on their armor. Fuck Gears Of War. Also all characters and plot seem overly generic and cliché. :( Now I must stop ranting retreat to my cave.
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I'd like to see a list 'Games of the unexpected', it would be a list of absolutely original games which give you something of an unpredictable experience.

I love to play games which break the usual rules, or are totally surreal.

We don't see enough like that anymore.

To me a game which I cannot predict is what keeps me playing these days, it obviously has to be good too, but it's that absolutely not knowing what's coming next which I love. On the flip side would be games which you can predict from start to finish after only a few minutes play, I find them boring after, well, a few minutes.