Edit Launcher -> Permission Denied


Still Fresh
Apr 7, 2011
Whenever I try to edit a launcher on Xfce's desktop (to even so much as change its display name, for example), I get an error when attempting to save; I get a permission denied error message. I assume I missed something obvious, and I would be very thankful if someone could help correct my gross stupidity.
launcher on the desktop are generated by pndnotifyd.

This process run as root, so all files it create are owned by root and not your user.

You could change the file permissions or edit them as root, but the fact is : these file will be regenerated on every scan pndnotifyd does, so your edits wont stay long.

You should use an ovr editior for that ;)
launcher on the desktop are generated by pndnotifyd.

This process run as root, so all files it create are owned by root and not your user.

You could change the file permissions or edit them as root, but the fact is : these file will be regenerated on every scan pndnotifyd does, so your edits wont stay long.

You should use an ovr editior for that ;)

Cool. Thanks!

I suspected it was something of that nature, but was surprised when Xfce seemed to imply that I could change some of the options.