eeePC booting in 5 seconds

Since you won't have to reboot your Pandora, this is a moot comparison.
Like my Nokia 770 internet tablet, you just open it up, and its "on".
I haven't rebooted my Nokia for several months of continuous use (at least 4 sessions of use per day, with many more on and off closures of the case).
The thing is, the eeePC, even in suspend mode, consumes enough power that you can't just walk away from it.
My Nokia can be off the charger and "closed" for about a week before running out of power, necessitating a reboot.
The Pandora should blow that number away, as it has a MUCH bigger battery, and probably about the same standby power needs.
I'm guessing a month, any others with a more informed opinion?
So, the comparable time for the Pandora is about as long as it takes to open the screen.
Call it 1/4 second?