Emulators On Gba?

Im checking out some of the GBA games no, some of them are fantastic! Ive been playing metroid fusion and mario vs donkey kong, both of which i absolutely love. Just wish I could fit more on my cart (only 256 :(). Thanks for the sites though, they both look good and im just about to test DrMS. Also, I only have a USB charger (the other is american). How good are these? Rubbish? Do they take ages to fully charge?
Oh, and deffinately try the nes emulators. Although it's squashed rez it's smoother than the gp :D. I'm considering getting a flash cart just for nes for my ds.
Pocket NES... at one time my personal favorite emulator. Runs most NES games perfectly at full speed, but squashed down resolution as was mentioned. It does run faster than Little John on the GP, which is baffling to me. The great thing about pocket NES on a flash cart is... there's ALWAYS room for it :D I always have it on mine with anywhere from 10 to 50 NES games on there.

The only other emu I've tried was the PC Engine one, which while great, does show the limits of the gba in that it does run slow and the sound is a bit off. It's fun to try but I can't stand playing games real slow like that so I gave up on it. I dont think that one gets updated anymore... dunno if it could have ever reached full speed.
No prob Dozer..

gah!! Just found out that they no longer produce them anymore.. I need to get one for myself :p
Are GBA emulators really worth it though? I would think they would be better on the GP32.
Doesnt the smart wallet only work with a particular make of flash cart though? Since Dozer only wanted it for emulators, a small cheap flash cart was needed..