Expand the community

Sep 7, 2003
Visit site
First of all, i dont really understand who runs this website.
My suggestion would be to expand the website and forums to incluse the Zodiac as well as the GP32. This site easily has the nest community and he easiest/ best boards to use.
With many people wanting to get a Zodiac and leaving this could be a way of maintaining the community. If the worst comes to the worst, and developers stop developing for the GP32, a joint GP32 and Zodiac website/community could help to ensure jont releases etc.
It would also be a good way of educating people about both amchines and could be a nice way of getting increased numbers of users and more adevrtising.
I myself have not yet decided on a Zodiac but both machines are so similar in how they will be used, it would make sense to have a joint community/ site.....
It could just start with a few boards dedicated to the Zodiac, people would come as they have done because these boards are much better than others......
What do people think. (Of course, i am probably overlooking some major reason why it couldnt be done!!)
this subject has also crossed my mind and I think its a great idea. we could increase the amount of members on this site and people who were planning on leaving the gp32 for the zodiac could still stay on this board were they have already built up respect etc.

There could also be some (healthy) competition between the fanboys of either system. this would make some coders want to release their games aplications or whatever before the other releases its version or they might want to have more features in their version.

and for the people who want to get both the gp32 and the zodiac they can have one site for forums and homebrew games etc

lastly if (emphasis on "if") the gp32 does die this site will remain alive because of the zodiac fanboy/ owners.

thats about all i have to say except:

Hando! please consider this idea i'm sure there are many who would like this to happen and I think this would make this site alot larger in terms of people in the community.

Thank u for your time
i'm sorry, but this has already been done by www.gp32emu.com and www.zodiacgamer.com , they're ran by the same team!

both sites have a large community too.

hope this helps
Seriously tho ... i think mixing GP32 and Zodiac stuff in one forum is a big mistake, and more likely to kill off our loveable handheld before it's prime.

imagine a forum that had members who only own a GBA, or only own a GP32...
(not like the current situation we have where some rich folk own both!)

people come here for one reason and one reason alone, because they own a GP32!

it would be a pre-pubescent flamers wet dream (a contradiction i know) if the forum was open to rival systems!

i know some of us here are a bit more grown up than to behave in that manner, but i can still imagine people saying shit like...

"Sell your GP32 and buy a Zodiac instead! :lol:"

... smug and tactless!

I like my GP32, so i don't want a split to form between Zodiac owners, and if i ever did get one then i would go to www.ZodiacX.com, plain and simple!

So for now, all you snobs with Zodiac's can go naff off to your own bit of cyberspace! :)
I dont know why people are buying the zodiac when the gp hasn't nearly shown its full potential yet. If there were a few impressive programs written from the ground up, not ported then im sure that much more impressive things could happen. This is obvioulsly much more work which is why it doesnt happen 2 often. But im sticking with my gp till its shown itself properly. Or until the zodiac drops in price :rolleyes:
This GP32 only site. There is no need (in my opinion) to expand it to support zodiac which in my opinion is just very expensive pda with handheld look. There are plenty of PDA about sities and also specialized in Zodial like those two mentioned earlier by Artkid (btw. as i understand you mean that as there are already two zodiac sities - makin new ones is prohibited ? ;))
Actually i am not going to buy zodiac, i am waiting for real next gen handheld console like, i dont know GP64 (if Gamepark ever release it :) or Sony PSP. And as i am owner of this site this is enough reason for me to not expand this site to support Zodiac. How to write about something you dont own :)
Mixing them in the same forum and website may be a bad idea, but wasn't emu.pl suppose to be more then just the GP32 in the first place?

I say if someone with a mature attitude expresses an interest in hosting a Zodiac-centered website, they could become a part of the emu.pl family.

That wouldn't be me, because I'm not planning on getting a Zodiac ;)