Exult (Ultima Vii)


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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I would love to play the Ultima VII games on a port/compile of Exult.

Doesn't need me to say, but the GP2x source is here.

I have actually taken the source apart in an attempt to compile it for Wiz, but it's way beyond me right now. I'm hoping to have time to learn more but in the meantime if anyone out there can get this on the Wiz it would make my day, and be a nice thing to have on the Wiz.

Just don't make RPGs like they used to....
I've been waiting for 1.5 year for someone skilled to be interested in this request?

Should I loose hope :(

I'm sure Exult would be an awesome addition to the Wiz library and the GP2x source is already available, so it's not like a completely new port?

Pretty please, make our dream come true :)
You can play Ultima VII (Black Gate and Serpent Isle) in the wiz using Ginge. The Gp2x version of Exult works flawlessly with that application. The only letdown is the lack of touchscreen support.

Sorry for my bad english.
raindog said:
You can play Ultima VII (Black Gate and Serpent Isle) in the wiz using Ginge. The Gp2x version of Exult works flawlessly with that application. The only letdown is the lack of touchscreen support.

Sorry for my bad english.

Dammit, how could I have missed that wonderful app? Thank you! Talk about a Christmas gift!

It's more that I could expect! I can try cave story too? What a day!

Thanks again!!!
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ggillon said:
raindog said:
You can play Ultima VII (Black Gate and Serpent Isle) in the wiz using Ginge. The Gp2x version of Exult works flawlessly with that application. The only letdown is the lack of touchscreen support.

Sorry for my bad english.

Dammit, how could I have missed that wonderful app? Thank you! Talk about a Christmas gift!

It's more that I could expect! I can try cave story too? What a day!

Thanks again!!!

I wonder if anyone is interested in doing a port to the WIZ instead of having to go the Ginge route, if only for the touchscreen addition, and maybe a virtual keyboard..

As a tip if you can't get serpent isle working, turn the introductions off at the main Exult menu.
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I'd like to hear some suggestions for features everyone would like to see. If you played the GP2X version, what would you like different in the Wiz version? So far I have one suggestion that I saw someone mention: a virtual keyboard (should be doable I imagine)

I personally have never played Exult on the GP2X much because I did not like the controls setup and I found the gothic text font ridiculously hard to read (Gothic calligraphy in a yellow color? Seriously!? What were they thinking!?), at least on a 3" screen.

So, I need your help in making this a really good port. Give me any suggestions you can think of. The improvements I would like to make so far are:
  • Virtual keyboard (suggested by TheRealAnubis)
  • Custom configuration utility to change controls layout, and configure any new features I add.
  • Ability to choose an easier-to-read text font.

I curious also if anyone has suggestions on the default controls layout. Like I said, I have not played much of the game yet so I don't know what might suit everyone best. I usually like to spend a lot of thought on a really good control scheme. (Don't even *think* about suggesting the B button be the main button, it is a pet peeve of mine. Wiz's B buttons suck and will wear out quickly enough already)
Senor Quack said:
I'd like to hear some suggestions for features everyone would like to see. If you played the GP2X version, what would you like different in the Wiz version? So far I have one suggestion that I saw someone mention: a virtual keyboard (should be doable I imagine)

I personally have never played Exult on the GP2X much because I did not like the controls setup and I found the gothic text font ridiculously hard to read (Gothic calligraphy in a yellow color? Seriously!? What were they thinking!?), at least on a 3" screen.

So, I need your help in making this a really good port. Give me any suggestions you can think of. The improvements I would like to make so far are:
  • Virtual keyboard (suggested by TheRealAnubis)
  • Custom configuration utility to change controls layout, and configure any new features I add.
  • Ability to choose an easier-to-read text font.

I curious also if anyone has suggestions on the default controls layout. Like I said, I have not played much of the game yet so I don't know what might suit everyone best. I usually like to spend a lot of thought on a really good control scheme. (Don't even *think* about suggesting the B button be the main button, it is a pet peeve of mine. Wiz's B buttons suck and will wear out quickly enough already)

I didn't get to play on the GP2X, but I am playing on the Wiz at the moment. I'll see if I can get any more ideas for improvements while playing !
Glad to hear that you are breathing some new life into this! Unfortunately, many of the people that were working on Wiz stuff have moved on to the newer machines, which is a shame.
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Just for letting you know: As a big Ultima- AND wiz-Addict, i would be very happy about a fine Exult-Version for the wiz. And, yes, the actual font is crap, pls change it.
Btw, my greatest wish is a possibility to play "Ultima V" on the wiz, because i've never finished it in my c64-days. I've tried the c64- and Amiga-Versions on my wiz, but both aren't very playable. Does anyone know if there is a good way to play it on my wiz ...?
I never played the GP2X version, did it have support for Forge of Virtue and Silver Seed? If not can this be included in the Wiz version? Also, would the Black Gate Keyring mod work with this?
Before a better port comes out, I thought it would be nice to share the one I did based on Puck's code:


And, yes, it has all the crap fonts and static control layout that some may hate (btw, I added a few more shortcuts). But as far as I tested, everything else is working, including touchscreen and intros. It just lags a bit sometimes, dunno why.

For devs:

Diff and setup script:

Exult version is 1.4.9rc1:

Update: just fixed a small bug that locked the B button as a right click while holding L or R. Both files are updated.
Meromaru said:
Before a better port comes out, I thought it would be nice to share the one I did based on Puck's code:


And, yes, it has all the crap fonts and static control layout that some may hate (btw, I added a few more shortcuts). But as far as I tested, everything else is working, including touchscreen and intros. It just lags a bit sometimes, dunno why.

For devs:

Diff and setup script:

Exult version is 1.4.9rc1:

Update: just fixed a small bug that locked the B button as a right click while holding L or R. Both files are updated.

Runs like a charm, thanks!!

Why has this not been mentioned in the news forum and/or uploaded to the archive? 'Tis a wonderful addition to the Wiz's library.
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