Final Fantasy 3 For Snes And Chrono Trigger


Still Fresh
Feb 6, 2004
Hello everybody! I am new in this forum, so be lenient. I don't have GP32, but I want to buy it or GBA (I don't know yet). I have a question. If I have GP32 166Mhz will I be able to play "Final Fantasy 3 (SNES) - in japan FF6, Chrono Trigger" with full speed and sound? I would be glad if you could help me.
If your looking for perfect emulation then we do not have much for now, YoYo and Team's newer version of OSNES9x will hopfulyl come out soon, fixing the transparency problems with most fancy ass RPGs for the SNES

Will you be abel to with full speed and sound? well we are not sure with the newer version that hasn't been released/finished, but the older ones, most games run fullspeed without sound, and some fullspeed with sound *and Frameskip*

Perfect emulation without any problems, sound, and no frameskip is a bit away, but it is possible :D

The GBA you wont be able to get stuff like GP32's emulation, but on the GBA you can emulate any game you play on it *Just get Flash2Kart kit and get the GBA on GBA emulator and put some GBA/GB-C roms on the Flash Cart*
ok for FF3 i can tell you on 156mhz, its playable on like frameskip 4 with no sound, i can't see 166mhz being that much different, for some reason RPGs run slow on opensnes9x, i didn't even bother with Crono Trigger.
extremegamer posted on Feb 6 2004 at 06:49 PM said:
ok for FF3 i can tell you on 156mhz, its playable on like frameskip 4 with no sound, i can't see 166mhz being that much different, for some reason RPGs run slow on opensnes9x, i didn't even bother with Crono Trigger.
You'd be surprised, the difference between 156 and 160 is evident, 166 would be even greater. I haven't tried this game, though.
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Chrono Trigger @ 156mhz sound 8bits 22khz, frameskip 2 runs very great in my opinion, with 0.3 when transparency bug fixed it will be very great. its very fast and playable!

FF3 is a bit slow same options as above only frameskip 3 and much slower but for me still playable. anyway i play ff1 and ff2 before this one, as they are way faster.
but on the GBA you can emulate any game you play on it

Um playing gba games from a flash cart is not considered emulation, it's simply just playing a pirated version of the game. Think of it this way if you where to mod a ps2 and play games off of a cd-r that is playing a pirated game. The system is still playing the software which was originally created for it. Emulation is taking some sortof hardware and making it act like a diffrent system all together.
what's the big deal about getting sound running anyway, I never understood..

ok I agree sound is nice, and I prefer it (like anybody) - but it seems like the last thing that should go in, and certainly not a make-or-break decision for buying a handheld. I mean - video and speed i can understand, but i usually turn the sound off when i am playing handheld games anyway (not usually in an environment where it's conducive to pay much attention to the sound when I am playing handheld games anyway - you know?)

don't get me wrong. sound = cool, just not a deciding factor for me. anyone else agree?

(exception, SOME games I will always play with sound on.. just cause the sound is soooo cool - but if i really must hear it then i will just play the "real" game on console or PC emulator anyway...)
sound is the icing on the cake. It the thing that tells you your experience is complete, the crack as you punch Sagat, the explosion as a planet disintegrates, the sound of your weapons tearing through hoards of aliens? You still miss it, well maybe not you but other people do.

I wouldnt mind if I had something to distract me from the lack of sound but I doubt i can play an MP3 player at the same time as a Emu.
you forgot to mention the great remixing of themes at the end of final fantasy III :)