Release FlashMenu: Multipurpose Picklelauncher-style interface (with some different features)

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Still Fresh
Nov 1, 2010
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Hi everybody!

Lately since I wrote DoomRunner I've been learning GTK+. Here's the result of a few months (off and on) of work:

FlashMenu 0.9.8.

It's essentially a Picklelauncher alternative. It has a nice amount of features: right click, saving paths to files (as in having a "Favorites" or "Bookmarks" type of section, and support for multiple file types with multiple programs.

The download links are here:

Sourceforge page

The Windows package includes some additional documentation and examples not in the Pandora package.

Both packages include the source, GPL licensed.

Here's a quick overview of the program-

-On the left is the "Groups" panel. You can include as many groups as you want with your program, and the user can create their own. Groups can contain either items or a file browser (for Picklelauncher-style functionality). Items can be copy-pasted from a file browser group into other groups, allowing the user to store links to their favorites or frequently used files (the file is not literally copied, a shortcut is made).

-On the right is the "Items" panel. This is where the user will browse through files or through items, depending on the type of group that is selected.

-You can create multiple item types. These are documented (poorly) in the docs included with the Windows package. This allows you to allow the user to treat different file types in different ways. For example, if the user selects a *.txt file, you could configure it to open in Leafpad. If the user selects a *.pnd file, you could configure Flashmenu to mount it with, and all of this can happen from the same program.

-Flashmenu has an internal variable system (documented in the Windows package) and converts all file paths to relative.





Current issues

-No way to disable relative file paths

-Groups/Items can be created and deleted, but not edited

-Groups can't be moved around

-I don't have an icon to include. Future versions will likely use a certain icon as a default but allow someone to change FlashMenu's icon via settings.cfg.

I'm looking for any sort of feedback or suggestions. Soon, I'll be putting together good examples and easy step-by-step guides. Unfortunately I can't test this on the Pandora just yet (my Pandora is in need of repair, I'm waiting on an RMA so I have no testing device).

EDIT: minor adjustments

Also, if anyone wants to make an icon, that'd be fantastic :)

EDIT 2: A step-by-step tutorial for people looking to bundle FlashMenu with their programs is here.

Also, thanks to Binky for the icon!

EDIT 3: Changed links to Sourceforge
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It seems to work fine on Pandora, loads very quickly :)

I need to test it more though, I'll post some feedback here as I do.

Bye and thanks !

Magic Sam
Also, if anyone wants to make an icon, that'd be fantastic :)

Do you have anything in mind? Colours?
Honestly, I have no idea. Since the name is "FlashMenu", something with a lightning bolt or similar would fit, but that's only a suggestion. If you have any ideas of your own, feel free to try them out.


It seems to work fine on Pandora, loads very quickly :)

I need to test it more though, I'll post some feedback here as I do.

Bye and thanks !

Magic Sam
Good to hear!

The Pandora version can't do much right now, unfortunately. I'll update it later (probably tomorrow) with some more features configured in.

Right now I'm writing a simple step-by-step tutorial for configuring FlashMenu to work with programs. I'll edit my original post with a link when it's finished.
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Also, if anyone wants to make an icon, that'd be fantastic :)
Do you have anything in mind? Colours?
Honestly, I have no idea. Since the name is "FlashMenu", something with a lightning bolt or similar would fit, but that's only a suggestion. If you have any ideas of your own, feel free to try them out.
Menu + Flash = FlashMenu View attachment 1481
This is great, thanks! I'll include this in the next version.

Do you want to be in the credits, and if so, what information do you want me to include?
Also, if anyone wants to make an icon, that'd be fantastic :)
Do you have anything in mind? Colours?
Honestly, I have no idea. Since the name is "FlashMenu", something with a lightning bolt or similar would fit, but that's only a suggestion. If you have any ideas of your own, feel free to try them out.
Menu + Flash = FlashMenu flashmenu_icon_mk1.png
This is great, thanks! I'll include this in the next version.

Do you want to be in the credits, and if so, what information do you want me to include?

No problem mate :) , credit would be nice (although I try to keep my identity off the interwebs):

Icon by forum member 'Binky'
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Due to the upcoming Pandora Rebirth competition, I'll be releasing the final version of this as a submission to the contest.

Since the contest rules don't allow public betas, I won't be updating the sourceforge page until after the contest is over.

If anyone is interested in beta testing, let me know via a private message. I'll send you the download links privately, over email or however you prefer.
I've just had a first go at this (on the Pandora). It feels really nice and fast. :)

It looks like it could have quite diverse applications, not just as a PickleLauncher style frontend, but as kind of an embedded Minimenu for people running XFCE. Personally I would get great value out of the latter. Here are my suggestions:

  • For PickleLauncher-style use: Include a wizard that lets you choose an installed PND, then a related directory (eg. Pick an emu and its ROM directory, or pick VLC and your media directory). FlashMenu then creates the category for you, and generates the necessary command line args.

  • For MiniMenu-style use: Include options to scan the existing desktop categories and replicate them in FlashMenu. Of course you would want the option to only include certain categories such as Games. And you'd need a quick re-scan option for when new PNDs have been installed. (Support for sub-categories too? Could get cumbersome though.)

I'm loving the idea of a hybrid setup using both of these 'modes', where the Group icons could link to either app categories or file lists - and everything is a one-click launch.

One more suggestion:

  • Ensure it is completely usable (and intuitively so) with the gaming buttons in XFCE. In terms of usability, this is what will set it apart from Thunar/Zenity, and make it more like PickleLauncher/Minimenu - just using the d-pad, maybe shoulders, and hitting B to launch stuff. You don't want to be hitting Tab or having to pull out the stylus. Ensuring these controls extended to the various pop-ups like the Add Group dialogue would be the icing on the cake.

This could be a good contender in the competition. Good luck with it. :)

[edit] More suggestions:

  • You could probably drop the title bar at the top of the Groups column. Every piece of real estate counts!
  • Fullscreen mode. Perhaps toggle it with (gamepad) Y and have it remember the setting.
  • Dark skin mode (black borders, dark grey window background, white text) would look great in fullscreen mode
  • Display options - icon, list etc.
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  • For PickleLauncher-style use: Include a wizard that lets you choose an installed PND, then a related directory (eg. Pick an emu and its ROM directory, or pick VLC and your media directory). FlashMenu then creates the category for you, and generates the necessary command line args.

  • For MiniMenu-style use: Include options to scan the existing desktop categories and replicate them in FlashMenu. Of course you would want the option to only include certain categories such as Games. And you'd need a quick re-scan option for when new PNDs have been installed. (Support for sub-categories too? Could get cumbersome though.)

Hmm, sub-catagories would get very cumbersome, I don't know of a good way to do it without having a directory tree style panel at the left (which would be awkward for the user and extensive for me to implement).

As for scanning PNDs and updating them, that's a great idea! I'll look into how to accomplish this. The most likely setup would be having an external application bundled in, that updates the groups in the background and then runs FlashMenu.

One more suggestion:

  • Ensure it is completely usable (and intuitively so) with the gaming buttons in XFCE. In terms of usability, this is what will set it apart from Thunar/Zenity, and make it more like PickleLauncher/Minimenu - just using the d-pad, maybe shoulders, and hitting B to launch stuff. You don't want to be hitting Tab or having to pull out the stylus. Ensuring these controls extended to the various pop-ups like the Add Group dialogue would be the icing on the cake.

Ah. I've been testing this on Windows (my Pandora's getting repaired), so I completely overlooked this.

This could be a good contender in the competition. Good luck with it. :)

Thanks! Do you want me to send you a PM when most (or all) of these features are implemented?

[edit] More suggestions:

  • You could probably drop the title bar at the top of the Groups column. Every piece of real estate counts!
  • Fullscreen mode. Perhaps toggle it with (gamepad) Y and have it remember the setting.
  • Dark skin mode (black borders, dark grey window background, white text) would look great in fullscreen mode
  • Display options - icon, list etc.

As for the real estate, once again, been testing this on my home dual monitor setup running Windows <_< . I'm not too fond of Windows but this was originally intended (way back in August) to be something I'd carry around on my flash drive and use to run programs I keep with me on the go. Anyways, the latest version will have the title bar optional.

Fullscreen: perhaps. I'll be able to allow it to be maximized, but I'll have to see about true fullscreen. Fullscreen is always nice though, and especially important on the Pandora.

Dark skin: As part of the next update I'm planning to add extended theming features. They won't be user-configurable in the next release but I'm hoping that by the time the contest ends, I'll have added a nice dialog for making adjustments to the theme.

Display options: definitely. Some people don't like icons, or simply prefer lists.

Thanks for the feedback!
Cool. :) Yeah, subcategories would be a bit cumbersome I think. I guess FlashMenu would work better as a 'favourite PNDs' type thing rather than a complete duplication of the existing system menus.

I'd be happy to test future versions if you'd like. :) Drop me a PM when you have something.
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