Fmsx and Fsms graphics bug


Jul 15, 2003
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Sometimes when I use Fsms and Fmsx the screen get moved about halfway upp and to the right and I need to restart the emu, sometimes loading or saving a state in Fsms fixes the problem. Anyone else has this? Also savetates in Fsms sometimes gets deleted, and Loadstate somtimes savestates instead. :( Just wondering if this has something to do with Wonderboy in Monsterworld or if it's the emu..
Can't help with the savestates but the '4-screen' bug is well known. Basically the 'origin' of the screen moves to the centre. RobBrown has fixed the bug if I recall correctly, and rlyeh knows of the bug so it's likely to be fixed in the next release.
Ok, did some testing, it seems that sometimes the savestate menu in Fsms gets screwed up and it both saves and loades at the same time. If I have Loadstate slot#0 and savestate slot#0 marked and choose to save it first loads a savegame then automaticly saves, (have to look in the readme) and the savegame gets corrupted. :( Perhaps the load&save is a feature and not a bug? but anyway it messes up all mu savegames, had been playing Wonderboy for 4 hours, next time I will use the password ;)
For me the bug occurs unregulary, I can't see any connections to load/save. I just enter the menu with R+L and then press B to continue and voila everything is in place again... =8)
That also fixes the graphics bug on my GP, but the savestate bug I was refering is another bug, that is not connected to the graphics bug.