May 20, 2003
Leicestershire, UK
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Ive read the Readme on these two but i cant get pas the MSX basic screen on fmsx and when i hold left shoulder it says virtual keyboard but non appears and the butons dont do any thing in that mode. And after selecting a game in FNES it just checjs the directories againand takes me to the rom selection sceen?

Any advice im totaly n00bing out here :(

:huh: i cant get fmsx 2 work 4 me either tho i'm great + do multiple amazingly dumb things at 1ce. Fmsx 4me says something scannign directories + nevr stops ever+ i just hav 2 turn off my gp32 + that corrupts the smc :( :( :( :( how depressing ne1 ne advice 4 getting it 2 run properly?
fMSX is great. I have had no problems with it (aside froma couple incompatibilities, and a couple confusions)

virtual keyboard is NOT like the Atari ST one. i tdoesn't give you a little onscreen representation, it's way more limited. if you are in that mode, it means you hold dowwn select to activate it, and then tape the cross pad in one of it's four directions I believe to select a certain keystroke (one of the F keys I believe.. it's detailed in the readme). I think it works likewise for A+B buttons, don't recall at the moment.

I have a good 50-60 MSX games in my "MSX" directory on my GP32. Make sure you've got your fMSX app in the gpmm dir (duh) and you can make an "MSX" dir inside there as well (only put your roms in there). I have most of mine zipped.. beware that the program will currently only run the 1st file it fins in a zip!! (so, some of those multi-files are doomed not to work this way). When you run, it gives you the option to choose which MSX model you want (1, 2, or 2+) - it's hard for me to know what system to use, if you select the incorrect one it will fail. I go by year usually (early to mid 80's are MSX 1, later than that MSX 2+..) you have to experiment with it (it needs auto-detect!)

Anyway, I have got a good amount of games running very well with it, it's not hard at all. Futz with it a little longer and I'm sure you'll figure it out.

(as for fNES - haven't tried it yet, I am waiting for the new one!!)
From the readme:

During the game press L/R to choose ingame options.
Press SELECT to use ingame options.

Current ingame options are:

- Virtual Keyboard : SELECT+U,D,L,R,SELECT = F1/1,F2/2,F3/3,F4/4,F5/5 keys.
- Autofire : selectable speed.
- Speed Trottle : fast forwarding.
- Save Snapshot : save PNG file into GPMM\MSX\SNAP.
- States/Movies are not yet implemented.


Notice how if you hit the R button it cycles through a list of the items above, L does so in the opposite direction? When you're on the option you want, stop hitting L/R and press select (i.e. "Press SELECT to use ingame options." For the keyboard, as it says, hold Select while pressing Up, Down, Left or Right (that's on the joypad, btw). I've seen Rlyeh post that it is select plus start for F5/5.

That's it for the keyboard. It will get the majority of games that need more than a space to get started started (in case you didn't read MORE of the readme: PAD is mapped for the MSX joystick and cursor. A fires the joystick button 1 (Space key too). B fires the joystick button 2 (M key too). So if you need a space, hit A.

There are a few games that require the keyboard, but 90% or more of them don't. Also, thanks to Rlyeh firing off cursor keys AND the joystick at once, the controls work great most of the time too, with no messing around. Some games just want to run, try a different image or ROM or just try another game. I have probably over 30 or so MSX games up and running on my GP32, its great!

If you're having problems getting a game to load, try some images from the ftp Rlyeh put in his readme.

As for fNES, most people have found the other NES emu (infoNES or something like that) to be more usuable, try that. Once Rlyeh finishes work on a new version he started from scratch his will most likely be better though.

unlucky - sorry, I've never had the problem. A couple of thoughts would be: try it with the directory empty, try it with a small # of roms, etc. Mine has a directory called SNAP created by MSX in it... maybe create it yourself in case its choking on that? Sorry I can't be of more help.
Thanks i got InfoNes working its a lot better.

Here's what im doing in FMSX.
Loadng the ROM>>>Getting into the MSX basic screen. Hitting Select+start to issue the Run command>> Run OK comes up but nothings running? what am i doing wrong now? :blink:
JDUK - Try different images, I have some that don't want to load up. Welcome to the world of emulating computers rather than consoles :). Sometimes disk images just don't want to work right. You can often find another image or if not there's tons of great games working.

Rlyeh - Awesome... thanks again for all your hard work! 'Nuf said.
What is msx?

Is it worth looking into and getting some roms? Cause all I play on my gp32 right now is Fnes32, Doom, and mp3s.

Has some info, not the best page but at least it has a small intro on MSX. Basically it was a japanese computer, much better at graphics and sound than most comparable home computers, at a console type level. Was around starting early 80s I believe through the very early 90s.

There are some games listed there to try, some of my favorites include Thexder and Firehawk (Thexder 2), Aleste, Vampire Killer, King's Valley 2, Knightmare 2: Maze of Galious, Metal Gear 1 & 2, Nemesis 1, 2 & 3 (Gradius series) and Penguin Adventure. Got lots more on my SMC but those are some fun ones.

I think you need to try out some more emus! There's good games for almost every system emulated so far. SMS/GG has games that are around the level of NES, and until Rlyeh releases his new emu, it's better :). C64, Atari ST and TG16 (PC Engine) all have many quality titles too.
Oh Lordy! do i have egg on my face now :unsure: I d/l'ed MSX by mistake i wanted the Master System emulator no wounder my roms dont work. Ill go crawl back into my hole now.