Game Programming...

You would use something like Code::Blocks and g++ (gcc) as compiler.

You could also try PandaBAS and write some apps in BASIC for Pandora
Using code::blocks may be the easiest start actually, it has an option to start an SDL project and then you get the necesary code for a runnable program from the beginning and can modify that into what you wish. You still need to download SDL developer files from their site, and then you need to move or copy all the files inside SDL/include/NEXTFOLDER into the SDL/include only, its not called NEXTFOLDER but I dont remember the name of it and dont have Windows running now.
When I learned to program, there wasn't an internet full of tutorials to learn. I used a book on BASIC programming on the Commodore PET.

Your best options, in decreasing order of universality and leetness are

C/C++ and SDL



Good luck and happy hacking!
If you're serious about learning how to program, you should definitely learn how to research.

Especially when faced with a new library (e.g. SDL or even a standard library) you'll find yourself having to look up function names, descriptions, pre- and postconditions, etc.

While assembling program code by guessing and/or only relying on auto-completion features and compiler errors can work in some cases, you'd have to be really lucky and it probably will strongly deteriorate the quality of the resulting program.
Never code by guessing until the compiler errors disappear. That is the worst thing you can do. Don't write too much code at a time, and after the initial coding, try to keep your program working at all times. I usually write 5 to 50 lines of code at a time (in C(++), in higher level languages that would be more like 1 to 10 lines), and I typically write my code without any bugs except maybe one or two small typos, which are easily catched by the compiler (actually often even by the the syntax highlighter if I had looked a bit better at the color of things). When you're not very experienced, you'll make more mistakes, and you'll have more bugs in your reasoning than in the syntax. No compiler will give you meaningful information when there are reasoning bugs in your program (they probably even happily compile it without warnings or errors). So it's important to think well before you code. Too many people try to avoid 30 minutes of thinking by doing 1 week of coding (mostly debugging) instead.
Never code by guessing until the compiler errors disappear. That is the worst thing you can do. Don't write too much code at a time, and after the initial coding, try to keep your program working at all times. I usually write 5 to 50 lines of code at a time (in C(++), in higher level languages that would be more like 1 to 10 lines), and I typically write my code without any bugs except maybe one or two small typos, which are easily catched by the compiler (actually often even by the the syntax highlighter if I had looked a bit better at the color of things). When you're not very experienced, you'll make more mistakes, and you'll have more bugs in your reasoning than in the syntax. No compiler will give you meaningful information when there are reasoning bugs in your program (they probably even happily compile it without warnings or errors). So it's important to think well before you code. Too many people try to avoid 30 minutes of thinking by doing 1 week of coding (mostly debugging) instead.

That is REALLY good advice. I like the way you think. I never really thought about it that way, I usually try to do everything at once, and I usually failed miserably. ^_^ Thanks a ton!!!

Thanks goes out to everyone else who also took the time to reply!!! ^_^ I really appreciate it! :D

I hope to be soon helping you guys, but before that can happen, I need some (Okay, maybe a LOT of) help myself.
