Gba Link Problem


GP2X Enthusiast
Mar 26, 2007
I and my gf got us second hand GBAs(she has an SP) and a 4-player link cable. Then we bought two (used) Street Fighter Alpha 3 cartridges to kick the crap out of each other. The problem is, we cannot start a multiplayer game. We connect cable ports numer 1 and 2, start "vs mode", the games wait a bit and return to the main menu. I suspect the connectors on the consoles or the link cable(cartridges seem ok). Can you suggest a way to debug this problem?
It may be the 4 player link cable. I remember when testing some GBA link code years ago we had some problems with some people, I am fairly sure it was due to the 4 link cable instead of a 2 link cable. Might be worth getting hold of a 2 link cable and trying that if all else fails.