

Bloody Typical.. I buy 2 GP32's a FLU and a non FLU and 2 weeks later the bloody price drops.. damn

You could have warned me craig :/

I'm not too happy about having to do that, i bought them when the dollar was still stong, so i'm selling them almost at cost, what a bugger.

But got to be competitive...

I'll work something out for you if you buy anything else.

Lol i inquired about this it lik-sang as it is christmas i though there would be some deals but there werent !Yey.
Need to sell my non-FLU before I can order a new FLU. bah.

Anyone want to buy a 4 week old hardly used non-FLU? obviously still with all packaging and CD from gbax?
Hey Craig, is the price drop permanent? Or is it a holiday special?
Cause if its permenant I may just upgrade to a FLU.