Gmu V0.3.1 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
8 days ago (yeah... i forgot to upload and newspost it... shame on me...) wejp released a new version of GMU, his great music player.


New in this release:

* recursive adding of directories to the Playlist
* enhanced cover viewer (with a new big-cover-mode, which can be activated in the config file)
* Umlauts and other Non-ASCII-Codes work
* Support for ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8
* When you press down from the last item in the file browser or the playlist, it automatically goes back to the first entry.

Download: GMU v0.3.1
this is now my favorite music player for gp2x. the sound quality is great for everything and the playlist feature is nicely executed. connected my gp2x to a cassette car adapter and made a playlist which helped me drive home my girlfriend on a long drive when she was too tired to drive and i could drive but i needed some loud music.
Any chance you can put in better volume control? Even the lowest setting is too loud with my earphones. [edit] ... Seems if i run the official Music player i can use it to control the level of the systems volume.
Also quite a few files of mine won't play. I'll see if i can find out what specifically it isn't liking.
Since i've already mentioned those two, i'm greatly looking forward to fast forward, rewind, the ability to create and save different playlists, and possibly the option for a button sequence for switching off the backlight. Unfortunately my pocket is tight enough to press the joystick and select button.

Keep up the great work, this is one kick ass player. =D
gmu keeps getting tighter and tighter, awesome. my favorite media player on gp2x by far. thanks so much to wejp for queuing an entire directory! beautiful.

this version also feels quite a bit snappier than previous releases (not so laggy moving around menus).

looks very cool to toggle off the text information for a track and see just the .jpg for it. however, it would be really nice if you could make a list of cascading CoverArtworkFilePattern ... such as


so that it will look for .jpg first, then .gif, the .png, etc

also, it would be nice if there was a wild card that indicated the file name. i have a lot of DJ mixes on my SD and typically they have a .jpg to go with them, so i have a file listing like


i want to tell gmu to use the jpg with the same file name, rather than the first jpg gmu finds in the directory!

another graphic tweak that would be cool: ability to set the default scroll position for an image (top, middle, bottom). right now it's always at the top.

functionality feature i'm still desiring: ability to delete the currently playing file (after a confirmation pop up). this would start playing the next file in the playlist before deleting the file so that music playback would be seamless. ideally this command would be available on the Track info and Playlist screen. A default key combo could be STICK(modifyer)+X


one last thing ... a cute gmu icon i have been using!!

big props to wejp, keep up the great work!