Gp2x Skin Maker


Still Fresh
Nov 20, 2006
If anyone knows of any tutorials or help files for this program, I'd appreciate if you post it. While I understand editing the pics and backgrounds, Some things are not clear.
theres a very basic guide for the skin maker in my user guide -,0,0,0,23,933. hope it helps.

Your guide does explain a few of the mysteries. Thanks. I am still confused on a few things.

For example, in creating the icon images, the default GP2X theme has one file (button.png) that has all 8 icons, and their alternate view when selected. The whole image is 480 X 160. Is there a way to adjust where the icons display on the menu? Like I would like to shift them up and to the right a bit. Is this possible?

Anyone who is fairly well versed with the skin maker should create a tutorial on either or the wiki. The wiki tutorial is awful! GuyFawkes did the GP2X community a great service with his user guide (thanks, BTW).
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Look in the config files. There should be something there.

I looked in all the config files. Not much there.

I did discover a bit about the Icon image (button.png). No matter how big or small you make the image, the GP2X will always divide the width by 8 parts, and the height in half. This allows for 8 icons, and an alternate image when the icon is selected. Hope that all makes sense.
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Actually, it does not.

From my knowledge, if you add more sections to the bottom of it, it will display animated image rollovers as well.

So if you have:

Rollover 1
Rollover 2
Rollover 3
Rollover 4

When you select, it will play the rollover animation. Use the search on this site to find threads about it. When it first came out, there were lots and lots of threads. I hope I helped a bit.