Gp2x Woes!


Still Fresh
Jan 7, 2007
Vacaville, California
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Well I received my Gp2x on the 9th of January 2007 from play-asia. I was excited since i had been reading about it for months and had finally decided to get one. I tried out a few emulators and was successful and I agree with everyone that is is a great system. However that came to an end today, 14 days after i received the gp2x it was stolen. I had let my friend borrow it to listen to music, and he told me that he had put it in his p.e locker but hadn't locked the locker. so therefore some "lucky"guy came in took it. I had told my friend repeatedly to keep it under lock and key, but in the end he did not heed my advice. He also was in the same situation a week ago when his ipod nano was stolen because he left his stuff unguarded. I also had the same situation with my first psp, when i left it in my bag, on that fatal day. usually i put it in my locker but this time I was in a rush, so i left it out. well that goes to show that you really don't know who to trust. Now I have decided against not getting another gp2x at this time even though my friend will pay me back. I will purchase another gp2x in the future but right now i just don't feel up to it. :(
If you have any bad stories to tell, please tell us. :ph34r:
I think some people are just the kind of people that get stolen from a lot. One of my friends has stuff stolen from him all the time even though he tries to keep it safe.
Wow, i hate when you borrow things and they get stolen, broken, "lost"(stolen):D, "lost"(your friend stole it):D
No offence or anything but your friend is a dick you shouldn't have leant him your GP2X. I dunno hope just somehow you manage to get it back via a miracle :(

I agree - why hasn't your 'friend' got one on order right now to replace the stolen one?!

Oh, and don't lend anything to anyone... ever... ;)
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some people are sick or just on drugs...
i've lost many friends who owe me big sum still...

And whats wrong with people on drugs? i know many a person who is how would you say on drugs and they dont go around stealing thing. no they go buskin to pay for their addiction! only kidddin most of them have good honest jobs.
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The thing that would bug me the most is that who ever stole probably wont even use it they will sell it on for a lot less than it cost new and who ever buys it probably wont apreciate it
When I was around 7... I had a Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch... I let someone play with it in the playground... they let someone else play it and before you know, no one knew who had it... I also had my original SNES stolen when our house was broken into while we were on vacation... that resulted in me getting an N64 though from some of the insurance money and I eventually got a replacement SNES

Those are the only real stories of woe that are games related :)
left my GP2X on a bus and it never turned up in the bus co. lost+found. what bothered me the most is that whoever found it probably didn't/doesn't have a clue what it is or what to do with it - and who knows where it is now....
Mine is a bizarre tale of woe.
I had a brand new Sega Saturn with a pile of games in a carrier bag on one chair in my house
right next to it I had a carrier bag with a brand new Sony Playstation and a pile of games (including my beloved discworld and jumping flash).
I came home from work and someone had taken the Playstation and left the Saturn , nothing else at all had gone.
I still dont get it to this day.
Deary me that is not good news at all, kind your friends fault, but really you shouldn't have lent it out imo, but I mean if he's offering to pay you back you can't say fairer than that. Shame your not getting another GP2X tho... :(