GP32 video out?


Feb 5, 2003
I know this has been asked before and I assume the answer was a negative, but here goes:

Is there any way, or will there be any way conceivably in approximately the next 6 months to display a video/graphics output from a GP32 to a monitor, TV, arcade monitor, whatever? A friend is interested in starting up a video games society/club thing, and I said it would be interesting to feature a GP32 somehow. With the GBA the answer is simple enough, a GB Player outputs the game to the TV and everyone (I think the presumption we're using is 100 people) can see it clearly without damage to the unit, potential battery wastage, fights breaking out or risk of theft. I think a control pad for the GP32 could be hacked up if nessecary, but the main thing is that the screen is clearly visible to everyone. Any solution would be greatly appreciated. As I said though, this won't happen this year so an immediate solution is not essential...
anyone that could built up a tv transverter ( GP video output towards tv) would have all my admiration. having a console ( even more than one with all these emulators around) would be easier to carry than my xbox..:)...
I never saw that thread, I was thinking of like...June, maybe even May, but nice, thank you :)