Still Fresh
there are 2 open source projects I'd really like to get on my pandora: one is a virtual guitar amplifier (simulates in realtime a series of effects like distortion etc.. via the line in jack or usb device like the Behringer usb-enabled electric guitars) named Rackarrack (
The other software is a very neat and fast skycharting tool, to rapidly match your sky at your latidude/longitude to spot easily stars and stuff with your telescope. One thing is to bring a laptop in the woods, other thing is having it on a pandora
there are some PocketPC variants but are either or too bad or too complicated. Stellarium is quite the best out there. (
the both of them comes with full source
The other software is a very neat and fast skycharting tool, to rapidly match your sky at your latidude/longitude to spot easily stars and stuff with your telescope. One thing is to bring a laptop in the woods, other thing is having it on a pandora
the both of them comes with full source