Hardness Maps... Palette Or Anything Else I Didn't Coount With?


Still Fresh
Jul 12, 2006
Once again this painful subject... I thought I was too dumb to get it to work, so I finaly decided just to download a working example and take this as a base to experiment with to understand how hardness maps work. I played with the source code a little and finaly when I was satisfied with the physics I tried to manipulate the example level a little. This was the point when the old known problems appeared.
As told in the tutorial the first map(01) in the FPG file is a 640x480 pic showing how the level looks like, while the second one is only 320x240 greyscale graph showing where the player figure is allowed to move/stand.

Well my problem is: After exporting the greyscale pic and reimporting it to the FPG file, the pic gets somehow "corrupted" preventing collision detection from working, even if you didn't modify it. Well fortunatelly now I know that it wasn't my fault, why get_pixel didn't work correctly for me.

But still I can't get hardness maps to work. Can anyone tell me the solution? An image manipulating programm that can fix the "broken" gfx after the conversion maybe, a PAL file or a template Image file that I can start with ?

Yes and incase someone thinks I'm too dumb, because I can't get it to work on my own - here's the example: http://trollywood.tr.ohost.de/hmapssuck.zip

Please try it and tell me that I'm not insane yet ;)
Any help is very appreciated, as alyways! :D