Her Knights: All fer Princess


May 31, 2003
Hey, I'm new to the gp32, not new to the whole portable gamign deal though. Anyway, I have All for Princess, and I'm not sure if there's a save mode or not. Whenever i press select while playing, it says something like "01.bmp" capture OK, like a screenshot or something, I'd like to know if I can access these if that's what they are. Or if there's anyway to save. Also what are the three options (in korean) after you choose the character you want to use?
You can't save in All for Princess; its an arcade game in every way except that its on a handheld.

Screenshots I'm guessing would be put in GPETC since its an official game, but I don't know for certain.
Alright thanks, but what about this bitmap thing that happens when I press select?
Mash posted on May 31 2003 said:
Alright thanks, but what about this bitmap thing that happens when I press select?
Come on, Admit it, You never read all of Tobriand`s post now, Did you, Did you, Be honest. :D

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The three options in Korean after you choose your character let you choose their special ability, one gives you invinsibility for a few seconds when you press the select button I think, the third one makes your health increse slightly automatically when you've been hit, I can't remember what the other one does.
Hey, thanks, I'm such an idiot for missing that part of the post :-s . I was real tired last night, i worked 4 hours straight wihtout blinking to get everything working how i wanted it to. Thanks.