I Hate Ntl, Need Help


Still Fresh
Hey guys, NTL have once again managed to semi-fuckup my internet service so many pages will load while others won't. I was just wondering what the website is where you can view websites "externally", as in you have to type the address into the website and it uses their proxy (or something :huh:), liek anonymous browsing. Any ideas?
did a google and it came up with www.anonymizer.com

Seems like you can only display the index page with their site though, and to do any more you gotta subscribe :blink:
I seem to remember going to urls via babelfish (say translate chinese to english or something) can be an effective may to get to inaccesible sites
Small world, eh?? I'm from Guisborough...

I was having the same NTL problems as you, it all seems to be OK now though.

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