I Know This May Sound Crazy

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if this is going to digress to something ipad related, can we please move this thread to a NON-gaming part of this board.

Ipad looks like something Moses should have had. Iphones/ipod touches/ipads and my idea of gaming do not go hand in hand in my world.


I know this may sound crazy, but it's generally a good idea to have a thread title that reflects the topic of the thread.
Do you perhaps mean a drawing program that uses the touch screen?
Or maybe a program that uses the screen as a drawing tablet on a pc?

Both kinds exist on Nokia's Maemo platform (which is also Arm Linux) and are open source, so if you mean one of those it's possible.
davidgro said:
Do you perhaps mean a drawing program that uses the touch screen?
Or maybe a program that uses the screen as a drawing tablet on a pc?

Both kinds exist on Nokia's Maemo platform (which is also Arm Linux) and are open source, so if you mean one of those it's possible.

a drawing program yea that's what I meant, thanks dave
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WizardStan said:
I am so very, very confused. Why do people edit out what they say?
I guess nothing sounds less crazy than whatever he was talking about.
Isn't that one guy working on a doodling program for Pandora? It's supposed to be a free clone of some program for iPhone.
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Topic locked, Because the title is very vague to say the least.

The topic starter has decided to completely remove their original post.

Thus making this topic pretty pointless, And dare i say useless.


If you do decide to create another topic, Please think about what the topic
will be about. Try to be as descriptive as you can and let the topic title
reflect the subject matter.

If you are having problems with creating a topic about a particular subject
and feel you may need some help in doing so, Please do not hesitate to
contact (PM) me or one of the other moderator team members, Who i`m sure
will be only too willing to help you out.

Found this thread closed, but as usual, without any explantion!!

I'm sitting outside a champagne bar in the city of Durham, UK, sunning it up and could still let everyone know why and what has happened!!

I really need to stop drunken posting!!

Btw, I'm very very happy with my pandoras 850mhz clock speed!!

Putting the words 'my' and 'pandora' in the same sentence still takes some getting used too!!

Ps. It works very well for me in semi direct sunlight!!

EDIT. explanation here now! Sorry trooper!! - a true gent as usual I see!!
No problem X68000, Enjoy your drink and the good weather too.

It must be great posting from the first official mass produced
Pandora in existance ?, I assume you are posting from YOUR

Your right, That does sound funny saying that.

I'm not unfortunately, using the old 3gs iphone!!

Weather was too nice and remains too nice to stay in!!

Pining to return to the pandora - will be back helping the assembly line tomorrow!!
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