I Wish Gp Had Gba Build


Active Member
Mar 1, 2004
Okay, I'm not asking a question here, I'm simply stating some feelings that I just had and wondered what other peoples thoughts may be on the matter.
The matter I talk of, dear Gp32ers, is that of the miserable build quality of the GP. I've been playing with my GBa recently and it simply feels better than the GP32.

I mean, the screen isn't as big and the processor isn't as hardcore and the range of possible emulated games isn't as large, not to mention the difficulty of getting games onto my parrallel port interfaced but it just feels...nicer. The beauty of physical design means that I can easily slip it into the back pocket of a pair of jeans (for example, after playing with it on the bog) without fear of knackering my (apparently) sensitive microswitched joystick.

The other aspect, bearing in mind I don't have my GP at hand here to do a direct comparison, is the quality of the emulation. Now, I'm not saying that the brilliant coders who have created some awesome emu's (all of 'em!) have written cack software, they havn't, it's just that somehow the Gameboy emulator on the GBA (not sure which one, I flashed my cart about a one and a half years ago) seems perfect, wheras the GP's don't quite seem as perfect. Same applies with NES, same with master system and of course commercial games.

I don't wanna sound like i'm dissing the GP32, 'cos I love it. It's the only handheld for me right now. I wanna be able to play all the classics at the right frame rate, with full sound at any time, anywhere! I guess I just wish, I could somehow place all of the electronics of the GP inside of a GBA case. And perhaps also, as a bonus, unify all of the GUI's of all the emulators into one amazing interface.

My point? my last but one sentence.
You could always try a GBA-D-Pad-to-GP32 mod. Post some pics, and let us know how it turned out. :)
I agree with you on the slipping it into your pocket part but I honestly think that the gp32 is much more comfortable to hold and I like the ministick much more than the gba's d-pad.. although the down on the gba doesn't work well and hasn't ever worked well ever since I got it(brand new) when the gba first came out.. But as to the pocket thing I think that the easier it is to fit in your pocket, the less comfortable it feels in your hand.. to prove my point take playing games on a flip-phone.. bad controls but doesn't fit well in your pocket.. next a liittle better controls but still easily fiting in your pocket.. a GBASP.. after that the gba.. then the gp32.. then the psp(I don't have one but have played one.. it felt very comfortable but is a little big to be in your pocket easily
Yeah, the GBA feels more sturdy but I agree with tekt here - the GP32 is just soooo much more comfortable to hold. I find it really difficult to go back to the GBA with its teeny d-pad and suspect ergonomics. The SP is a little better, but nothing I've played on *yet* beats the GP32 for comfort. It may look and feel clumsy, but it's great to play :)
Yeah the GP32 is comfort galore compared to the GBA which I got aches and pains from :angry: , though I find the PSP fits even better in my hands.
:blink: Ive had the FLU version that i got brand new,sealed that had not been handled by some child or retarded person who tortured it so i can safelysay it is one hell of a well built,solid handheld.what happened to the way they build them since the front light unit & non lit unit was made is unknown to me so you might have some ground to stand on if they began to build them more cheaply after the flu and non lit units were made!
consolelou posted on Apr 2 2005 at 03:42 AM said:
:blink: Ive had the FLU version that i got brand new,sealed that had not been handled by some child or retarded person who tortured it so i can safelysay it is one hell of a well built,solid handheld.

I also have a FLU, which has never been handled by anyone other than myself, and I must say I am disappointed. Maybe it's potluck as to the build quality you'll get due to Gamepark being the 2 bit cowboys they are?
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TelcoLou posted on Apr 1 2005 at 04:35 PM said:
You could always try a GBA-D-Pad-to-GP32 mod. Post some pics at and let us know how it turned out. :)

That would be perfect! Then I wouldn't be scared the stick would break off if I lugged it around in a bag or something..

consolelou posted on Apr 1 2005 at 08:42 PM said:
:blink: Ive had the FLU version that i got brand new,sealed that had not been handled by some child or retarded person who tortured it so i can safelysay it is one hell of a well built,solid handheld.what happened to the way they build them since the front light unit & non lit unit was made is unknown to me so you might have some ground to stand on if they began to build them more cheaply after the flu and non lit units were made!

Mine was brand new too sealed and all FLU, the right shoulder button died less than 2 weeks later.
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TelcoLou posted on Apr 1 2005 at 11:35 PM said:
You could always try a GBA-D-Pad-to-GP32 mod. Post some pics, and let us know how it turned out. :)
Piece of cake... with a bit of perseverance it would certainly be rather easy. But how does your left thumb feel after an hour of Tekken Advance? Rather painful, i assume. The thumbstick is, in the respect of ergonomics, absolutely supreme.
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One year on from the last post and I have a GP32 BLU+

GREAT - no problems with build quality

EMU's just keep getting better See DrMDV2

would not swap it for anything (at present)
By the way, has anyone that has a nlu and a blu compared them buildt wise?
Like "knokking" on the plastic and such?
(waiting for my blu+, but won't have previous GP to compare..)
I don't know, I'd think that Master System and NES emulation on the GP32 is much better because it plays in the correct resolution... Try Little John for NES and SMS32 v0.5 for Master System. And I would say that the GP32 is more comfortable to hold than the GBA, although the d-sticks in the older models are quite poorly made...

Things that are more comfortable than the GP32 to hold: Sega Game Gear, Sega Nomad
Things that are less comfortable: GB, GBA, GBASP (for some reason, I find the GBC quite comfortable to hold, so I wouldn't say it's better or worse)
i cant see how you can say gp32 haves bad build quality, there are next to no problems.
i dont know a single gp with dead pixels, but i know many gba(sp) wich have.
also the gp32's design feels much better, gba, espacialy sp is simply a pain to hold.
also the stick of the gp is way superior to gba's dpad.
i realy cant understand how you can say gba haves better build quality, cant talk about emus on it through, i dont have 100$ to spend on a small sucky flashcart.

also iam with esn, gamegear realy fits nice in my hands, it also have/had good agmes, to bad about the battery live.
Mine has one-third of a dead pixel: the blue third is stuck in one spot. Its always been like that though.

And the D stick and shoulder buttons don't hold up as well as the rest of the unit, atleast according to posts here. Mine works ok though (knocks on wood).
Though I've had no problems yet, I do constantly worry about my GP starting to develop problems with the stick or buttons at some point... sucks because it discourages me from playing it as much as I want to. Also, indepent of the GP itself I worry about wearing out or having problems with corrupting the SMC's... it's funny I end up treating the GP like such a fragile little thing...
Everything wears out eventually if you keep using it (i'm talking gadgets)

I had an old Gameboy, thats worn out like anything and the keys are a bit funny, back in the days of the Spectrum many joysticks i had broke eventually.

The Pocket PC i use tons for emulation, the joypad is pretty bad at going 'top right' now and i'm sure after a few years the GP32 will wear out. Everything does

Same with nearly any computer or console out there

So far i've been lucky, in 9 months of having the GP32 its been fine
Thats my biggest problem with handhelds..

When the buttons/sticks wear out there're a much bigger pain to fix.
You either have to buy a whole new system or buttoin membranes and risk opening your device up.. consoles if the controller breaks you can easily and cheaply buy a new one
Um, I still have an old competition pro joystick I got for C64. Works splendidly, accurate as an accurate thing.

I worry I might wear out my SMC's with my constant saving/loading... (Hey, I ain't got the reflexes anymore...)
Esn posted on Apr 13 2005 at 12:16 AM said:
I don't know, I'd think that Master System and NES emulation on the GP32 is much better because it plays in the correct resolution... Try Little John for NES and SMS32 v0.5 for Master System. And I would say that the GP32 is more comfortable to hold than the GBA, although the d-sticks in the older models are quite poorly made...

Things that are more comfortable than the GP32 to hold: Sega Game Gear, Sega Nomad
Things that are less comfortable: GB, GBA, GBASP (for some reason, I find the GBC quite comfortable to hold, so I wouldn't say it's better or worse)

sigh i wish the nintendo ds was more ergonomic
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