illuminated screen


Still Fresh
hi people. I wanted to know if an instrument existed to install on the gp32 to make the illuminated screen (as has happened with the gba that you/they sold a kind of screen from intallare to its inside to make illuminates it)
Thanks (you excuse if you understand a lot not but I am using a translator... I am Italian)
No , gamepark was going to releace an official one but it didnt happen, th GBA one wont work for GP32 as the light isnt strone enough
Can anyone who has made a GP32 Wormlight take some pictures of it in use? I'm thinking of making one but I don't know if it's worth it. I'd really appreciate it. thanks! :D
There are LOADS of topics about this around the forum - do a search!!!!

Try to search for info before posting, cheers.