I'm Excited For The Future!


Still Fresh
Nov 6, 2008

Usually a lurker, took the plunge to decide to post something. I'm not sure what everyone else is like on the board, but I'm one of those veteran emulation scene guys that found about this early, and lurk on the message boards to see the new developments day by day. I gotta say that I'm really excited to see this thing's potential. I have been in the emulation scene for a long time now (Hi Prophet from retrogames.com, how is Atilla doing?!) and this little Pandora should be amazing when it comes out. For those who remember when gameboy emulators didn't have sound, that's how long I have been in the scene for. For the size of a GBA DS we have emulators for NES, SNES, Genesis, Amiga even, and I'm sure so much more will be coming in the pipeline. Not to mention a cool .mp3 player, Movie player, and even Ubuntu running on it. Fantastic! I am hoping for a GPS and a mapping program to make a neat little carputer for myself, and I'm so excited that everyone has some other thing they want it to do. Talk about an all-in-one super machine that fits in your pocket!

I'm used to hacking things, like my xbox 1 for example to but XBMC on it, along with it's fair share of emulators, but this will be so much easier, with no mod chip, no bios to flash, no trickery and nothing more then copying it to a SDHC card and then loading it with roms...in some ways to me at least it almost seems to easy! It's so cool that the developers want us to open up the thing and tell us exactly what is going on inside! I won't be saying 'you whippersnappers have it so easy with this thing' but geez, this is so far beyond what I am used to! It amazes me of what people are thinking on putting this wonder machine, and so much development before the thing comes out even! Stunning! I won't be able to get one until next July so I just patiently wait for the new stuff to become available.

All right everyone, have fun with the first batch! I can't wait to see what the community can do with this! Now if I could just enter a time machine until July.....ah well, I'll be playing Zelda 3 on my laptop in the mean time! Take care! Lets see what this thing is made of!

If I don't respond, it means I'm lurking again!
I'm also excited about the future, however I'm a bit angry about the present. The CC problems, the components delay, the lack of real release date, the lack of final hardware prototype, I think I need some seriously exciting vids or anything to get my excitement back and running. Besides, the memory increase doesn't look like it will help emulation a lot, so it's not that great news for me, not worth at this point all the problems that we're getting lately.