I'm now pretty convinced my right nub is defective.


Rainbow Liberation Instigation
Dec 11, 2010
outside looking in side looking out
I've gone through all this before - Even tried helping other members with their nub problems. Bottom line: Down on my right nub sometimes (correction - almost constantly now) goes away completely, after resetting/rebooting/taking out the battery/nub dance (I do different combinations of these until it works) I am able to get full range of motion back (but it jumps from about 0 to 28/32 in every direction). As the only 'nub game' I've tried thus far has been Super Geometry Dust - and right nub is to shoot, this seemed good enough for me.

However, now that I *need* the nub to transition smoothly from 0 to 32 so that I can mouse look effectively in Quake III, it's glaringly apparent that my right nub is faulty, even at it's best.

I can live without a fully functioning right nub for the time being... but I think I'm going to have to RMA when CC have solved their issues, Pandoras are being shipped out again with no bottlenecks, and the more reliable revised boards are being used.

It's such a pity, because besides this... everything else appears to be working perfectly (though admittedly I haven't really had an opportunity to effectively test WiFi and Bluetooth yet... but I'll make sure to do so before I RMA).

Thats a pity FaeMinx. Any idea if yours is from the first or second batch of nubs? I would presume the first as few if any have reported failure of the second lot.
Thats a pity FaeMinx. Any idea if yours is from the first or second batch of nubs? I would presume the first as few if any have reported failure of the second lot.

I assumed it was from the second batch as I upgraded to Premium around about end January this year... But you never know (I'll have to check my emails to confirm exact date).
Quake 3 has sensitive controls, are you sure it's defective? Try some more games, or the input tester.
Quake 3 has sensitive controls, are you sure it's defective? Try some more games, or the input tester.

The input tester gives me a really visual representation of the nub's defectiveness.

I am able to get full range of motion back (but it jumps from about 0 to 28/32 in every direction).

I.e. there are no values between 0 and almost the full extent of the range. The nub might as well not be a nub, but a tempermental dpad with diagonals... and that loses the down direction completely on a regular basis (about 70% - 90% of the time).
have you tried a physical adjustment period, where you try to smooth things out .. in case there is dust or grit under the surfaces of the 'interface' layer on the nub?

i wouldn't give up, just play it more - and yeah, i guess wait until things are smooth.

for what its worth, to give you hope, ED fixed one of my two pandora's last week and its working very nicely, new nubs and LCD cable. i'm very happy to have it back after only two weeks away! ED truly is a driving power on this hardware, we have to get him to the profits of Batch 2!


anyway, point is: stay positive, it can be fixed.
have you tried a physical adjustment period, where you try to smooth things out .. in case there is dust or grit under the surfaces of the 'interface' layer on the nub?

i wouldn't give up, just play it more - and yeah, i guess wait until things are smooth.

I have a strong suspicion you are spot on about the possibility of grit under the surface. When I first noticed troubles with the nub, it definitely felt scratchy. I did work it then... as well as pushing down on the casing around the nub as ED suggested.

For a while it seemed ok, but it's definitely deteriorated to this most unsatisfactory state.

Any idea how I'm supposed to get the grit out? :mellow:
I thought that we weren't supposed to blast compressed air into the new-type nubs?
I thought that we weren't supposed to blast compressed air into the new-type nubs?

Alright, so I won't try that then. *damn* So now there's nothing I can do. :(

I've tried setting the sensitivity of the nub waaay down... But it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever! If I set it too low, the nub becomes completely unresponsive.

So either it'll be extremely and unmanageably sensitive (jumping to 28-32 immediately in all directions), or it's dead. And this is when it's at it's *best*!!! (about 10% - 20% of the time, and not lasting long).

MOST of the time it loses 50% - 100% of it's range in the down direction... and that's not all, the other directions are starting to fail as well.

This nub SUCKS! :(

No wonder I hated using it for mouseclicks! - it must either have been faulty from the start, or became so shortly after I received my Pandora.

*insert extremely colourful expletive here*!!!
*insert extremely colourful expletive here*!!!
oh rainbowfarts!

The term expletive is commonly used outside linguistics to refer to any "bad language" (or "profanity") that has been censored by the author or by a subsequent censor, used with or without meaning.


expletive [ɪkˈspliːtɪv]


1. (Linguistics) an exclamation or swearword; an oath or a sound expressing an emotional reaction rather than any particular meaning

2. (Linguistics) any syllable, word, or phrase conveying no independent meaning, esp one inserted in a line of verse for the sake of the metre

excrement [ˈɛkskrɪmənt]


waste matter discharged from the body, esp faeces; excreta

[from Latin excrēmentum, from excernere to sift, excrete]

Noun 1. excrement - waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body

'rainbowfarts' I think would qualify under either definition - esp. if you're a Unicorn. :D
*insert extremely colourful expletive here*!!!
oh rainbowfarts!

The term expletive is commonly used outside linguistics to refer to any "bad language" (or "profanity") that has been censored by the author or by a subsequent censor, used with or without meaning.

yep, doesn't mean i can't uncensor the self-censoring, adds a more colourful flair to the post if you leave it in (pun not intended in any way)