Interesting Uses For Your Gp32


Reeks of fish
So, what have you done with it so far? I have just used my GP32 FLU as a flashlight, works OK if you just need a little more light :D Any interesting ideas out there?
I had to use my blu a few days ago when the power went and I had to find the fuse box.

My real flashlight was down stairs at the time and all I had to hand was my trusty gp32_console
Hmm I don't even have a GP yet but have used both the GBA SP when I borrowed it, and my phone for that use ;)
I tend to turn my lights off in the living room before turning the light in my bedroom on when I go to bed, and the light from the phone is just enough to not walk into things. When my old car's dashboard light was busted I used the phone to check my speed sometimes too ;)
Flashlight here on occasion too; mainly when the power dies during a storm in France and there isn't a proper torch to hand.
beer coaster


also if flys come, turn off the room light and turn on the GP32 light.

wait for the fly to land on the screen then THWHACK

might wanna clean that screen after though.
Paperweight. GP32 works wonders at work for keeping sheets held down, especially as we have LOTS of fans around because it's so hot in the office.
As USB Gamepad on PC! :p
And the most weird thing: I already emulated other systems on it! :lol:
I used it as a shopping list, on the bus to town I knew I would be getting my GP32 outta my handbag, and there on the screen, was a post it with my shopping on it LOL.

i'm still waiting for people to port the list of apps in the gplinux thread,so i can converte my gp32 into a music generator of some sort.making beats is not enough.
plus i should get a chatboard and use it as a sort of notebook,or think it can be used as a pda too,but again the gp32linux thread doesn't seem very active as of late?
Just a mirror. Works brilliantly with a glass screen. Just make a picture that's just black and open it in Windups. Instant mirror!