It was the BEST GAME EVER... but now... it's horrible.

Retro games are 'better' in one aspect anyway .. if not graphics and so on; a different kind of playability.

Those games, in the old days, tried to KICK YOUR ASS.

Play Robotron, or Sinistar, or whatever.. you're going to get a few levels or minutes into an old game, and then you're punished, unless you practice and practice hard.

Nowadays, cakewalk..
I also got an arcade at home and used it as piggy bank earlier :)

This keeps the "who cares how good I play? I've got unlimited credits"-factor down.

However, I'd need to upgrade it to EUR now to continue doing that... but it was awesome earlier.

I got better and better, managed to play through all Bubble Bobble levels with one credit later on :D
No way, Bubble Bobble is hard :) Its one of those games.. you can slide through a pile of levels, and theres some tricks and things to watch for.. but inevitabnly you get sloppy and it gets you :)

One quarter to play .. 100 levels of Bubble Bobble?

*Video needs seeing* ;)

Sword of Sodan on the Amiga,

Boy was I suckered in by the GFX, even back then though it wasn't long before I realised it was a complete turd.
Sword of Sodan on the Amiga,

Boy was I suckered in by the GFX, even back then though it wasn't long before I realised it was a complete turd.

It still looks great to watch the demo though. Remember everybody was defining sprites or blitter objects of a certain n x n (or n x m) grid size, back then.

It was amazing for a time when I used to wonder: "Imagine what all these demo coders could do if they put their mind to creating a game....". The answer of course is what you said: a lot of old shite. But it was a nice dream while it lasted.
I used to love Double Dragon back in the day on arcade, I just find it too slow and frustrating to play nowadays! (still love Final Fight though :) )
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huh? There was no game made since Shenmue that even came close to it. I did Shenmue again on my Dreamcast over the last year and while the graphics look old now, theres nothing else OLD about it. The storyline is great and its a game that make you travel in places and time. Theres nothing like it.
When I was young, I was entertained by hacking the games rather than playing them. I could have the most fun with the worst games. Can't really remember any of them since they were mostly low-budget games...
When I was a kid, I was so in love with The Incredible Toon Machine. I played it again a few years ago, and it was just loud, annoying crap.

The original The Incredible Machine is still awesome, though.
Juno First was the one game I played, over and over and over again:

.. when I was younger. Now, I reach for it whenever I want a quick Pandora MAME gaming fix, but I can no longer play it longer than stage four without putting it down because .. well .. its not nearly as non-crap as it used to be.
I still love most old games, one i cant stand anymore however is space invaders, i am not sure why i enjoyed it back then :p , my memories of it are such a blurry mess, ofcourse i was only 5 or so :p
How people can h8 double dragon is beyond me still play it to this day yes the fighting is easy yes the game slows down but thats the charm of games of the 80's it is still relevant today.