
I don't need whole OS, debian is good for me. However I'm interested in that GUI interface from screenshot: what's its name? (jolicloud appears to be the name of linux flavour, I just want the GUI) Where can I download its source, and is there a debian package with it?
It's supposed to be Ubuntu ( with a themed Netbook Remix interface ( )...

I would say sign up for the beta :)
Nothing on how horrible that UI would actually be on a Netbook screen, much less that of the Pandora? I mean, come on, some of those font sizes would be eye-strain-o-riffic.

Big pretty icons on a pretty background, yes, but all that garbage at the top?

There's also little to no consistency in tab coloring, font sizes, case, whether or not status bar icons are colored or two tone... do I need to continue?

In short, this looks like a vapor-tastic crappy mock up, almost as crappy as the ones I've done for the Pandora.
It looks a lot like the Xandros GUI, which I tried out once at Best Buy.
So, if it's anything like that, it's horrible for power-users and looks like a copy of the iPhone interface, or whatever.