Jvm Environment


Still Fresh
May 20, 2006
Okay, I am sure this topic has been discussed to death, but it is so important / useful I thourght I would find the current consensus on this...

... JVM ported onto a GP2x? Albeit, a stripped down version (due to memory constraints)

I really feel like a ported JVM would be AMAZING for developers to use, due to its unified interface and extensions...

Honestly, how feasable is this? I have seen jvm projects for the GP2x, but nothing solid. The reason it would be nice would be to encourage development on the GP2x, as most modern programmers these days tend to learn java straight off the bat...

Now, you could argue "why dont you just use C++". To that I answer, "i can use C++, i just prefer Java". Why would you prefer Java? Well, take game development for example. If you are programming a text-mode roguelike game (which i plan to do for the GP2x) things get terribly messy with C++ code after thousands of lines of code. With Java it really is easier to program large scale projects, and everything is contained so much nicely (no pointers, just references).

(yes I am aware that what I just said is probably blashphemy to some, "what, you dont like pointers!?!?")

Whats the opinion? JVM for GP2x, or is this a dream?
Therea are a bunch of them. I was doing some work in this area when I went off to JavaOne & came back & found that the kids had somehow managed to nuke my work. Oh well, back to square one.

If you're bored, you could try porting JAMVM or Kaffe or similar. I'd like to see Sun port the ME, but I think we'll have to wait until we get the numbers. Apparently they're going to work closely wiith Orange for the ME in the future, and there was a big emphasis on devices with Java at JavaOne, so it's not inconceivable that we could get an "official" port. Of course, the one I'd love to see is IBM's j9 - the Rolls Royce of VMs.