GP32 Lame Question ;)

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I also started with Basic and Visual Basic, the Pascal, then Delphi then C.

C is not 'so' hard to learn, its just weird and different. But when you know how to spell the c words, then you'll notice you can do a lot, a lot faster then in basic.

You might even use #define to define your basic commands, so you can use them in C. But you'll have to look up the C command first :rolleyes:

C is very compact, and doesnt have a lot of build-in functions like basic does. Most functions are build by others, and put in a header file. This header file must be loaded in your program to use these functions.

They are pretty simple, like printing text on the screen. That usually needs stdio.h, standard i/o headerfile.

The language is up to you to learn:
Learn C
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