Man, Waited So Long For My Gp32


Still Fresh
Jul 14, 2004
Well, first it starts of like this, I waited pretty much the max you wait on delivery. Then today, I get the package. I open it up, and I was suprised how small it looked, looked inda cheap though. But when I turned on the screen Iwas like WOW. Then I started putting some games on my smc, I was only able to get two out of like 10 I tried, I figured it'd take some time to get used too. But then, as I was playing a puzzle game my A button stops working then my joysticks starts drifting. And then I'm, like oh well, guess I'll send it to mashmods. And then the friggin worse happens, my gp wont connect to my computer anymore, I thought it was the smcs but I can still access them and play the games on them, but when I try to connect I get a process failed, connection failed, or a timed out, so I'm I dont know what to do, I think I got a broken unit.
1 - download GPManager here

2 - format your smc with it

2.5 - remove your smc from GP32, put smc on smc writer

3 - download usb driver, install it

4 - use explorer COPY PASTE fxe and roms to smc drive, done

4.5 - remove your smc from smc writer, put smc on GP32
Johndifo posted on Jul 15 2004 at 01:07 AM said:
download GPManager here

format your smc with it
Guess you didnt read properly, my gp wont connect, everytime I try to format with gpmanager it times out, says process failed on my gp.
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check GP32 batteries :)


try to format in windows, then format again in GP32.
Johndifo posted on Jul 15 2004 at 01:15 AM said:
check GP32 batteries :)
you know what, imma try that right now. Or as soon as I can get batteries. But, it says "process error" on my gp as soon as I try to format or connect if thats any help.
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ok, changed the battaries, and well, still not working. I keep getting a "process error", but it's weird, when I exit the pc-link programon my pc my gp exits out of pc-link, which means it's getting the connection, I think my unit is just dodgy.
smc card may become corrupted, use windows, scandisk, format. EDIT: and again with GP32

Buy another card, you will need it, believe it ;) I started with one saying "thats enough" now im with 3 and next month will be 4.

good luck, going to sleep

OK, omg, I AM SO FUCKING STUPID, I got it wokring, but I'm so fucking stupid cause I dont know what was wrong and I dont know how I fixed it :blink:

Only in Multifirmware does Eurofirmware's built-in PC-Link not work, but you can use Pacrom's no problem.

The USB drivers are very dodgy Anthony510, and PC-Link is crap. I strongly suggest putting GPDrive on your SMC if you don't want to invest money. If you DO have some extra cash lying around, $5 to a max of $10 can get you a nice little SMC card reader which has speeds even exceeding GPDrive and no (or little to none) USB problems.
Yah but you can actually run small .exe's on GpDrive because it acts like a real hard drive. You can kinda even put chrono trigger on it with an exe and take it to school, hook it up, and your ready to go.

How do you install packages without it?
PC-Link timing out is a very old problem. Its happened to me a lot of times (well... before I got my trusty SMC writer for £7 which lets me decide to watch a movie on a journey about 10 mins before I go as long as its encoded :D ).

Is one of the (short) threads about something similar; is another one.

Basically, try using a different machine. Try re-installing windows. But before you do that, try a different USB slot, and try sending over PC-Link or GPDrive if you've got any connection at all, and use them instead.

And if you've only had your GP32 a few days and the controls are all fuhshuzzled, you might want to contact the people who sold it to you, since there would seem to be something wrong that *ought* to be covered by warrantee...
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In Windows98 and Me I noticed that I could connect to my GP32 if I went to the device manager and refreshed my list. I never had it fail for me, but others can test and see if it works for them.