Release MegaZeux


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is MegaZeux, the game creation engine and runtime.

The port itself was done by exophase some time ago, I've just grabbed latest version and package it with a couple of cool games.

There is 2 software here: The Runtime, just to run games (found in "Action" submenu). Here, I use the Notaz SDL, and the Megazeux editor, where you can run or create/edit games. It's fullscreen by default but I don't use Notas's SDL here, so you can switch to window mode (with Ctrl-Alt-Enter), if you need to use other things while editing a game (also, the tools like png2smzx are shipped, access them in another teminal and go to /mnt/utmp/megazeux).

The "action keys" of Megazeux (Z, X, C and V) are also mapped to Pandora Buttons {A}/{B}/{X}/{Y}.

The games included are Pandora's Gate, from Lancer-X, an awsome RPG (mouse driven) coded for 24Hrs compo, and Ruin Diver III, from KKairos, a difficult (Dpad+Button) action game.

Go to for more game (you should try Red from Lancer-X also) and info about this Game Engine.

The games should be unzipped inside appdata/megazeux/games

History log


Build 02


  • Made the MegaZeux runtime stretched to Fullscreen (thanks to Notaz's SDL). The editor is untouched.

Build 01


  • Initial release
Last edited by a moderator:
Ok, that was easy with the Notaz's SDL. Enjoy Fulscreen in fullscreen now ;)

Build 02


  • Made the MegaZeux runtime stretched to Fullscreen (thanks to Notaz's SDL). The editor is untouched.