milage at joygp


Still Fresh
Nov 4, 2003
i bought "mileage" at joy gp, because i want to get GP cinema. Its been about 2 hours and still entware says that i dont have any mileage to buy gp cinema. Did i do something wrong when buying milage, or did i not wait long enough , or what? Did i already buy it when i bought milage? Im really confused
Its cos they're in Korea they're 9 hours ahead or something, so you're gonna have to wait at least a day.
Its all automatic so it should be instantaneous, i would email bada (joygp manager type guy) hes usually very helpful and shoud be able to tell you whether he has recieved any payment. i think his email address is (remove NOSPAM) but i would check on entware or joygp because its a long time since ive emailed him.
i dont think its automated. The last time i bought mileages at JoyGP, they took ages to come, so I emailed Bada and he said it was because it was night time in Korea..... They should be available eventually.