Missing battery or the AC Adaptor doesn't fit? Check here!


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003

to handle the massive orders that have been shipped out during the last days, I hired someone to help out.

Unfortunately, it looks like while packing up, some packages missed the battery or the AC Adaptor plug (the AC Adaptor won't fit into the Pandora without that adaptor).

I'm very sorry about this.

If this happened to you, please send me an eMail to:


Subject: Missing Stuff!

Inside the eMail, include your address and what's missing and I'll ship it out right away.

BTW: If you've got a PSP adaptor: You can use that as well until you get the small plug.
i sent an email as instructed above, but have yet to receive a confirmation that it's been looked at. Is it a question of a backlog of orders holding things up? I upgraded my original order as i knew the project wasn't going to progress without some cash injections and i was really hoping to be using my Pandora over xmas. Now i have the machine and the memory cards but no battery!

So close to the finish line...

I still believe!!!

**Just got email from Michael stating it's being sent straight out. I'm now wondering when i'll get it and will i have time to cram it full of emulators before xmas!

Nearly there!!!**
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A vaguely related question... What's the specs/diameter/type of the tip on the power cable, without the small down-sizing adaptor tip fitted?